Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sci-fi Unemployment Agency

What do Robocop, Predator and Alien do when their out of work? Junior's birthday party!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Special Request - A Klingon for Len

Yep. That's a bona-fide Klingon. He's a General or an Admiral or something. I worked on this guy for a long friggin' time. He's still not finished. There ya go Len. It took me a long time but I finally posted it. Enjoy! (FYI Klingons do not come from the planet Klingon. The name of their planet is Q'onos - pronounced "kronos". How's that for Trekkian, Tink?).

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I think this one comes from our old pal Filomena (umm ... I don't mean old old)

This is one I've watched lotsa times and it's one of my favorites.

There's more than one way to cool down and keep fresh.

I've had this short video for some time now and it gets me laughing out loud every friggin' time!

A Picture Perfect Postcard from Mars

This incredible image of a sunset on Mars was taken by the rover "Spirit". Because Mars' atmosphere is thinner than ours, the colors are not as rich. Seeing a sunset from another planet more than makes up for that.

The two Mars rovers "Spirit" and its twin "Opportunity" should have stopped working about two years ago according to NASA officials. This incredible turn of events forced programmers to come up with new missions for the rovers. Now NASA can't say for certain how much longer they will last.