Issues? Yeah I’ve got issues – coming out my ass. What is up with this internet thingy? It seems that at every turn someone is trying to pull a fast one on me. Do I have the word “SUCKER” printed on my forehead? I’m a human of the male persuasion and I’ve got feelings too. They suck you in, get your trust and then, when they see that you’re not quite looking for they spit you out half eaten. In my case I am, of course, speaking mostly about women. I mean bad women, evil women – or a close facsimile thereof. Past experiences on the ‘net really have put my panties in a bunch. But these kinds of things date back to when I first started on the ‘net – yeah, ancient history. Point is I do not like it when people fuck with my emotions.
It’s true, women are the most victimized on the internet; cyber stalkers, emotional leeches or those that crave only cyber-sex then quickly disappear. Sometimes it gets to the point where women receive death threats or are threatened with rape. Thankfully this issue has finally gotten the attention it deserves (mostly) and help is readily available. But what about the men who go through similar situations? No help there. Most of the time men are just too ashamed and keep it a secret. Others may have the support of family and friends. Many, like me, keep falling into the same trap again and again, getting hurt every time. Why do they do it? Some sort of addiction? Or is it just a way to get attention? Nay, my simple readers, it’s loneliness, pure and simple. Believe me loneliness can drive a man to desperate and stupid extremes. But the women in question are scammers, trolls, probably the lowest form of life on the electronic highway. Some do it to get the victim’s money; others promise marriage (or sex) and then get your money. Finally there are those who do it just for ‘fun’, getting sick, perverse pleasure from preying on the emotions of others. From my own vast experience I’ve picked up on some common patterns in their methods.
First, they’ll give you only the most basic of information; first name and where they live is usually about all you’ll get. If you ask about simple things like favourite music, movies or books they’ll sidestep your questions or just ignore them completely, covering it up by telling you how much they love you. Forget about any personal info because it ain’t coming, dude. They will ask you a lot of questions about your job, if you want a family and how many children you were planning to have. Again, ask them the same questions and all you’ll get is the same vague bullshit answers. They’re very careful not to give any information about themselves but you and your lonely ass are going to tell them everything they want to know – and more. I’ve walked that path – several times, in fact.. They will send you pictures of themselves and they always look hot. On one occasion a lady sent me about a dozen pictures of herself. Only thing was I’d seen the same pics on a porn site the previous week. Ha! I nipped that one in the bud.
So can you trust anyone on the internet? Quite simply, no. The reason is simple; typing words in a chat is one of the most limited forms of communication. Not only is it completely impersonal you’re missing about 90% of the information. In a face to face real conversation a lot of things come into play. Changes in the voice’s tone and volume, facial expressions and ticks, body language and even smell are important parts of any conversation. So far there is no way to transmit all these things across the internet. And “lol” just doesn’t cut it. For all I know a really hot sounding chick who fulfills my every sexual fantasy online could really be a 400lb, bald, sweaty guy with hairy shoulders in Chicago with his 'little friend' in his right hand. And you, gentle persons, how do you know you’re best online friend isn’t that very same guy? There’s absolutely no way to be sure. They’ll tell you exactly what you want to hear and suck you right in. I know, I’m getting to be an expert in this. All out trust? No. We all take a certain leap of faith when creating online relationships. We only find out when it’s too late if we made the right choice or not. And by then, well, it’s too late. It's been said many times: Trust is something that's earned not given away.
You can never be too careful on the internet. Just use common sense; don’t give out too much personal information – as I am wont to do. Here information is evil’s greatest weapon. We are all vulnerable and open to attacks by total strangers as well as supposed friends. A lot of us are so lonely and wanting friends so badly that we leap into a relationship without considering the consequences. Thinking carefully about what we say first will avoid a world of unnecessary emotional pain. Don’t do anything stupid. Most importantly do not trust anyone.