My friend suggested I do a series of images - he told me to do twelve - like real artists sometimes do. I never made the mistake of thinking this was art. This was just goofing around. At the time, I only had my little crappy Amiga with an amazing 1 meg internal memory! Not to mention I had no Internet whatsoever. I tried tying two soup cans together with string then attaching one end to the Amiga and left the other hang out the window. Well, it didn't work. The friend that came up with this stupendous idea did have Internet. So I sat in front of his computer for hours looking for images of backgrounds, women and UFOs. What you see here is the result of the ungodly union of two warped minds. I never got to do all twelve but then again did I really have to?
As always, in my case, each picture tells a story. In the first image (top) the aliens, after kidnaping this poor girl, leave her out in a meadow. At least they left her in a chair in the shade. In the second one the aliens also left another girl in a field but forgot to give her her clothes! And it looks like a storm's coming. In the last image the only human is the guy getting pulled up by the UFO. I actually used a picture of David Duchovny (Mulder from the X-Files), flipped it, shrank it and pasted him in the air next to the truck. Yup ... I am a little twisted. So are these stupid aliens. In honour of my friend I called this small series "Chicks and UFOs". The titles I gave them were Latin but I lost them.
People who have seen these images (Oh, so many I had to beat them off with a stick!) ask me if I'll ever finish the series. I really don't know. Right now I have other priorities - and a better computer! Who knows, maybe one day I'll see a picture that will inspire me to do another ... NOT!