Friday, December 02, 2005

In the beginning ...

Well, this is my first time blogging in my own. It will take some time to get used to it. But I have all the time in the world! Thank to Marisa for recommending this. That's another one I owe you!

I always thought it would be cool to have a Blog loosely based on the format of Ancient Greece : Just a bunch of people in togas, sitting around and talking about current events, Nature, Science, Philosophy ... whatever. The flow of free discussion is important to learn and to grow. No closed minds here!

Well, not bad for a start. What's next?


Anonymous said...

Hi Luke,

You did it!!
It wasn't that bad was it?
I'm so proud of you. Now you have your very own little corner of cyberspace to jot down your ideas and more poems. Keep them coming. You are very talented.

Bye for now. You know how to contact me if you need anything.
Carpe Diem!

Luke Fallon said...

You guys are weird ...

If I wore a toga, I'd probably look like Blutto (Belushi) in "Animal House". Yeeeesh! Toga's aren't required. I usually get crumbs falling into my crotch area. Very BAD! Folks, just wear your comfy clothes, get your favourite drink, put on your favourite music and chill.

This Blogg is supposed to be a smooth Blogg ... no fighting or yelling. If anyone does something to piss me off, their gonna know about it! I'M the boss hear!!!(LOL)

Hey, I'll be posting pictures/images every day here. It's a little like Len's TOTD, only with pictures. Sometimes it will be my art, sometimes not. I'll try not to paste any artwork that might be offensive to women. No wardrobe accidents here! No siree! (Aw, maybe one or two). If YOU would like me to post one of your images, just e-mail it to me and tell me what you would like me to do with it.

Thank you for Blogging with "Rosetta Stone" Bloggs. Enjoy your journey.


Luke Fallon said...

Oh, PS: You can download my daily pictures the usual way. What?! Oh, all right.

Right click on the image, select "Save As" and save in your yummiest folder.

Luke Fallon said...
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Anonymous said...


I am finally hear. I waited till I found some of my own quiet time to absorb all this. Already posted some comments. 1 in the rosetta stone, 1 in blank face, and 1 in the New Year's good or bad.

Came in here and wondering what the begining was. Hey! I explored. Whish I got here sooner. I quite like this. Makes ya think deep. Good stuff.

Yes, Len. I have my toga on. It's a mini and red. Enjoy!!


Lady Di

Anonymous said...

Ok can I too wear a TOGA, does it match my shoes??? What about comando, too cold huh??? Ok then I will repect the rules... for now!!

so i have never been to a toga party, tell me what happens next??

Anonymous said...

I like it!
your blog that is :)
I will visit you here,your creative spark is still very bright

Slang Agat,

Rose Rambling

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog, Lukey! So now all of us in the digital world have the honour of being blessed by Luke's wisdom and worldly thoughts! I'll be back...................................The Potentate Gazebo