Monday, December 19, 2005

The Rosetta Stone (thanks Len)

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Luke Fallon said...

This is THE Rosetta Stone (as described in one of my posts). Dr. Len was kind enough to find it for me.

For me, the Rosetta Stone is an antithesis to the Bible's Tower of Babel. Whereas the Tower of Babel represented confusion and lack of communication, the Rosetta Stone represents understanding and ease of communication through analysis and discussion.

Okay - maybe I am pushing it a little. But I'm sure you see my point.

Luke Fallon said...

Now, now Len. Be nice to the ladies ...

Well, scientists say men and women see things in different ways. Any different point of view on any subject is encouraged. Different ways of looking at things give us a better picture.

Anyone that joins a discussion is a variable. This, too, may provide an alternate view on a subject. Some people look at a subject with logic while others use their emotions to guide. Either way is good.

Anonymous said...

Involving the ladies in a forum, is smart, Scorpio Man. We tend to look at things differently in certain conversations. Different perspectives, too!

Men view one way as for women view in total opposite, which makes for a discussion to happen. Then a conversation begins. Make sense??

Actually, with some of us strong willed women, I agree. We can create havoc in a discussion but depends on the topic and the offence it has given us.Then we'll strongly argue the point.

There are some, that are too weak and let it go. That is where some men feel superior and could degrade the women's pride. Granted, the weaker women should of done something. Anything, as to another point, is their fault.

I actually understand men, as well as women. I can judge both.

Maybe working in men's hairdressing, I got to know them well. They ask for an oppinion and rather have it from a woman's point of view than a man's, as we see things in a whole other way. Most men like it better. After all, I am a woman!

Goes back to Luke saying everybody views everything differently. Which I believe. Different oppinions make for conversations. If all view the same, it woudn't be interesting. Yes??

Lady Di

Anonymous said...


Define YUP. meaning that I am right, for once??

Lady Di

Anonymous said...



Lady Di