Tuesday, April 04, 2006


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Luke Fallon said...

Well ... let's see if I've got it all right.

12 cases of Bailey's,check, beer taps attached to a major brewery, check, all the booze safely stored, check. Bar stocked, fridge full of munchies, check. Giant hammock, check. CD player stocked with Jazz & Blues.

Seems all is ready. Just switch on the sign and wait for the Peoples.

Welcome to Lucky Luke's Jazz Bar ...

Anonymous said...

Niiiice, don't mind being the first patron. Pour me a bailey's please. Great place to get away too... soft jazz playing.

Anonymous said...

Ooooo lala!!

Now that's my kinda place. You outdid yourself Lukey boy! What a DUDE!!

How about a small cigar lounge so we can have some Brandy or Cognac with it, and a cappuccino machine. We can have a cap with Bailey's?? Just a few suggestions. Oh! Biscottis too! Have to dunk that into a coffee.

How giant will be the hammock??

Is the sign going up soon??

Me and you girl. Lets rock in the hammock and relax with a few. Good times we'll make here at Lucky Luke's.

Come on in peoples and enjoy life. This is what living is all about.

Thanks Luke!

Ciao amicci,

Luke Fallon said...

Whoa! What a day!

No one was on time except me - and I hate waiting!

Well, I see everyone is settling in. Excellent! Man, it's cold AND snowing outside. And it's April 4th. What's up with that? I'll take a hot chocolate with Bailey's ... warm my bones.

Hey, where did that fireplace come from? Oh, well. Some weird things happen in here.

Hey Hummer! T'sap? Yes, there is a smoking room in the back with a "state of the art" ventilation system. The hammock is as big as you want it. Still got the bean bag chairs.

Carolina, comment ca va? Great to see you back. Actually, we just moved. Rent is lower here.

Excuse me while I go to the smoking room.

Anonymous said...


Let me have some of that.

Ahhh!! Much better. Thnx buddy!!

Gotta go back to the house grind.

Ciao, ciao!!

Anonymous said...

So is it too early for a Partagas and a brandy????

okay okay will wait until noon, see you in the hammack.

Anonymous said...


Never too early for anything in this Cafe. It's always open. 24/7. Anything you want, you get.

Yes! See you in the hammock!!

Ahhh!! So great in here, but there are a few of the regulars missing. Where art thou the other peoples???


Luke Fallon said...

Hey Y'All!

Yah! Chinese Fighting Fish RULE!!! But they're actually nice guys.

Hummer is right; you can drink what you want whenever you want, 24/7. Over there, to you're right, is a beautiful wooden case with a variety of cigars and exotic cigarettes. Smoke 'em in the smoking room only.

I think the others might already be here, hiding in the shadows.

Come out, come out wherever you are ...

Anonymous said...

Hey peoples!

I needed a strong Capp because my regular coffee didn't help.

I won't spill ur Cognac, Len. The only place it will spill is in my cappuccino cup! LOL!!

Too early for a cigarillo, but will be back later in the evening while I'll relax from my day.

A bientot mes amis/es.


Luke Fallon said...

I need to get smooth.

Let's see ... aww, Van Morrison's "Moondance" with a brandy and a bean bag. Not that I'm gonna drink the bean bag, y'know.

Anonymous said...

ok in a cuban mood now...how about some cuban jazz, yeah let me move to the hot sounds of cuban jazz...
hello bartender...would like a mojito please...don't want to stop dancing.

chucho valdez

listen, taste and feel...

Anonymous said...


I love your style, girl!! Now that's awesome music. I am swaying just listening to it. My body can't seem to stop moving. I am not crazy on mojitos, but anything else will do.
Thanks for putting me in the mood. You ROCK!!

Good choice!! But you have to ask Mags about the bean bag. He started it all. I think it's his, if I recall correctly, but with whatever I am drinking, who remembers. Hiccup!!!!

What a feeling to be here relaxing and getting a high. Yahhoooo!!

BTW, Carol, if you drink too many mojitos while relaxing here b-4 the bowling, think of that straight gutter ball!! Hehe!!

Yaaaaawn!! I think I'll rest now.


Anonymous said...

They re-opened the bar!!
Cool. You kept the old bean bags.
Great! (sniff sniff) smells like smoke. Hmmm. I think I'll have some JD on the rocks on the hammock.

The hammock seems a little crowded.
Lets try the bean bag
Poof!!(dropping dead into bean bag)


Nice place Lukey. Good to see you at the bar. I bet you must have heard quite a few stories in this place.

You gotta tell me a few someday...


ah ....nope not sleeping.. just visiting the insides of my eye-lids

heh heh

Luke Fallon said...

It pleases me very muchly to see all the people I know & love back! Here's mud in your eye! (It means something, I just forgot, is all).

When I hear about Cuban music I think of Desy Arnez: "Luthie! Wha did ju do now?".

Espresso & Sambuca? Why yes, thank you. I'm going to sink into this bean bag chair and finish the last chapters of this here Stanislaw Lem book.

Aw, crap! I can't get up ... again! Oh, well ...

Luke Fallon said...

Now tell me, how come I always have to clean up? Eh?

I gotta find me a robo-janitor. Yeah, that's the ticket ...

Anonymous said...

Oh boy!

Came here to relax in my hammock and I see 2 familiar faces on the bean bag chairs snoring away. Best be quiet not to wake those lushes up before they kill me! LOL!!

Let me just get my a sip of Bailey's and get some shut-eye in my hammock.

See you all in the morning.

Yaaaawwnn!! Zzzzzzzzz......

Anonymous said...

Dina, Mojitos and I are good friends, remember I spent many a days and nights in Havana bars, be them lobby bars or drinking bars or restaurant bars...and even if I was there for work (hhhmmm) I did my fair share of acquanting myself with mojito's....so all this to say that I am IN MY GAME when drinking mojito's, I am capable of doing anything...so bowling will be effortless and yes Di, I will be thinking of 'bowling' balls!

Just call me Hemingway!!

Anonymous said...

Hello bella Carol,

Good for you. Drinking mojitos makes you feel fine and dandy?? Well, you go for it girl. Make sure that they don't affect ur chosing of the 'bowling balls'! There are different sizes and colors, ya know! LOL!!

Rest up Len. You're gonna need it. Ha ha!!

Now to go get a nice Cappucino and rest. What's playing now, Carol?? Anybody??


Anonymous said...


Luke Fallon said...

Check it out! I received this robot last night! I programmed him to clean up, serve drinks, take requests ...

He looks a little like R2 D2 but I can't think of a good name. I'd like to keep to the R2 kinda thing but in a funny way (like "B4 U P").

Any ideers?

Anonymous said...

Got one 4 U!!

Y2 B4 U8. How's that???

Goes like why two(meaning drinks) before you ate.

He can ask that question.


U2 U8 B4

Ok! It's past midnight. Maybe it's not so good but what the heck! I tried. Just a thought to work ur way around it.

Nity nite. Yawwwwwn!!

Where's my hammock?? I need my hammock. Did the robot clean it and didn't put it back?? What's with that, Luke??? Those bean bags just don't cut it for me.

Oh well! Later, I guess.


Luke Fallon said...

Hey Dina:

The robot was moping the floor, moving backwards as we sometimes do, and he got caught up in the hammock. That's not all. His arms got caught in the web. He spun around like a sideways toupie! It took an hour to untangle him.

He got a dent on the head and screwed up the hammock. He felt so bad, he went and picked up a new one himself. Oh ... there he is now. He'll have this up in no time. Isn't that right ... uhm ... you there?

Anonymous said...

Hey Luke,

Thank the robot for me. I see it now, sigh!! Oh! This one is even bogger and better. Let me try it. Ahhhhh!!!! Feels wonderful. Now, I'll go get my Capuccino and rest with a magazine.

Later dude! Did you get my email??


Hello to all. hope everybody had a nice Good Friday.

Happy Easter to all.

Anonymous said...

Typo, ooops!

The word is bigger and not bogger. LOL!!


Anonymous said...


It's a beautiful afternoon and all is quiet here, so I am going to have a Capuccino and rest peacefully in the BIG hammock. Anybody want to join me??


Anonymous said...


OK maybe not....

need a cold espresso...nothing like a cold espresso on a sunny day.

Anonymous said...


Ya seeing double?? Hehe!!

It's cool. I like that idea. Come into the hammock and sleep the c-double off. Hehe!!

I, on the other hand, will continue with my Capp and relax for a while. Such an eventful evening that I need rest. LOL!!

Ciao all! A bientot!!

Anonymous said...

Here I am.

Hey Mr. Bot!! May I have a Cappuccino please. Can you bring it over to the hammock too?? You'll get a nice tip. Thank you.

Ahhh!! That's better. The brain cells are starting to function. DING!! Yup. They're finally awake. LOL!!

Have a good one, y'all.

Ciao, ciao.

Luke Fallon said...

Wow! I2 82 did a GREAT job! I spent all day cleaning the little guy and he seem to really enjoy it - I mean REALLY! It made me feel a bit uncomfortable for some reason.

I just sank into a bean bag chair ( and I'm still sinking! ) with a coffee a la Bailey's and an episode of Firefly on the big TV.

"You can't take the sky from me". Not much of a signing voice. (More on Firefly/Serenity in an upcoming Blog essay!).

Now excuse me, I need a refill.

Hey! I2! Get me another one of these, ya stupid glob of grease!

Luke Fallon said...

Len: Tell me about heroes. I've heard divided opinions. Why is it awesome? Just curious, eh?

Anonymous said...

I'm back in here.

The bean bag looks nice. l2 did a good job. Bravo!!

A ha! Off my hammock, Len. Come on, scoot....

Speaking about heroes, hubby loves that show. I haven't really seen it.

Ahh!! Firefly/Serenity. Cool, dude!!

Ok! Got my dose, now to lie in my hammock for a few and go back to my chores.


Anonymous said...

Oh my! It's Saturday night and the bar is empty??

What's going on with that??

Guess I got the hammock and the bean bag to myself.

Hey i2! Nice to see ya! Just you and me kid. Get me my usual, will ya?? Thanks. Let's party!! Yahooo!!

Nite nite

Anonymous said...


How about a Halloween Party in here?

We can put scary music and get all dressed up! Let's get the Monster Mash going... We have to find a costume for i2.

Who's in??

Be back later for your confirmations.


Anonymous said...

Oh well! No one showed up. Just me and i2. We had fun with the gouling music and the fuzzy pumpkin drinks he made.
Actually, he really makes good drinks. WOW! Potent!!

Time to go. Ciao!

Luke Fallon said...


It took me - lemme see - 15 minutes to access this.

Plus, I can't get my mail and all my favorites are missing or screwed up. What the hell is wrong with this Internet crap?!

Okay. Relax. Think I'll have one of those vodka ice thingies. A little Brandford Marsalis and a hammock.

I'm already relaxed ...

Anonymous said...

Hello Hummer

That little 'bot has an answer for everything!

If you want to find out more about gum check out


I hope this will answer your questions.

Anonymous said...

Ok blogula! I had a feeling it was you. Thanks for bringing me back in here.
Now, move over and get out of my hammock. Go to that bean bag chair over there. Ya! That one. LOL!!

Hey little i2! Can you please get me a Bailey's straight up? Would be appreciated. Get some for blogula too!


Now to sip and relax. So blogula, howya been these days?? Nice to see you and lets chat for awhile.....

Anonymous said...

Oooh! Bailey's straight up, eh? Walking on the edge there. And I can't be the designated driver ... I don't know how to drive! Ha!

I have to find more useless facts. Not always easy y'know.

BTW I'm having a bit of trouble with my "Firefly/Serenity" article. I've got quotes from the bonus disk, lots of pictures and inspiration. I want to put a picture between each section of my article. But if I do this people will read it "backwards". My first entry on the bottom and my last on top.

It's been a long time since I've written a piece this big and I don't want to screw it up. What should I do, Hummer Lady?

Oh, I2 ... just bring the whole bottle of Bailey's. Atsa good bot.

Anonymous said...

Ok! Now that we've got the bottle of Bailey's, let's figure this one out! Hmmmm....

So you want to put the quotes in between the pics??

Is there anyway you can post the quotes below the pictures, in the pictures??

Or, design it in a way that no one will see it backwards! Is it possible??
Just thinking here.

Tell you what! When I'll think of something else, will let you know over a Capp! Deal or no Deal?? Haha!!

Taking my last sip and off I go. Gotta go walk off the pain in my leg. (actually, cramp)

Night, night!!


Anonymous said...


I haven't seen you back here. Where are you.

Did you ever red my answer?

What else have you done to the pic? Do tell....


Luke Fallon said...

Wow ... No one comes here anymore. Not even me. It's probably not the best place to be. Today I'm Mr. Gloom N. Doom. Like a dark blanket smothering me. My heart in my throat, a tear at the ready...

Well, where's the Irish Whiskey, I2?

Luke Fallon said...

Blogula is gone ...

I killed him in the living room with a candle holder.

I2 - a bottle of Schmirnov!

Luke Fallon said...

Or was that colonel Mustard?

Anonymous said...

Oh Noooooooooo!!! Why??

Why did you do that?? Did you really kill him with a bottle of Shmirnoff over the head??

Whaaaaah!! Sniff, sniff!!!

Luke Fallon said...

Naw ... he's not dead. He's I2!

But he is moping in the corner.

Hey, little guy. How 'bout some yummy Canadian Tire motor oil? Ah, there ya go!

(Pat on the robotic head)

See? He's okay!

Now get me a Bailey's on ice, would ya.

Good robot ...