Ahhh yes. The good old days when I still thought Halloween was a good enough reason to party. The suit cost an arm and a wing and there was no belt, gloves or boots. Belt and gloves were made by a good friend. As for the boots, one of my buddies in the office let be "borrow" his hockey pads and painted them black. The headpiece was rubber and would have pulled my hair out had I not been wearing a nylon stocking on my head. As a final touch I put black makeup around by eyes. There was a contest for best costume - I lost by one vote. Later, people came up to me to apologize. They said they had voted for the pathetic clown because they felt bad for her. Yeah ... right. The prize was dinner for two at a fancy steak house. C'est la vie ...
Was that you way back when?? How cool ya looked!
Where was it taken??
Darn! Ya missed a steak dinner. Hey! Ya can always try another costume party. In this day and age, it could be moooolah!!
Oh well. Batter luck next time, I guess!! Get it?? LOL!!
I thought it was funny....
"Batter luck ..."
Ah-ha!! It is to laugh!
The photo was taken in the Bell office where I worked in Dorval. It took me about 45 minutes to prepare (still less time than most women!). A friend guarded the door so as to keep my costume a surprise. And boy were they surprised! Tee-hee ...
Wow! lolz...you look cute!and of cos cool..hahahz
I miss halloween this year...bleh~
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