Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Stunning Hubble Images

I know I've been kinda lax with my posts but with the flu, a few software problems, blah - blah - blah ... you know the story. At one point I hadn't touched - or even seen - my computer.

These are two Hubble pictures that I picked up recently. I keep going back because there are so many! (Not to mention the Mars probes, spacecraft Cassini around Saturn - so much astronomy I could go coo-coo!).

At top is a galaxy that has been perturbed by what looks like a violent super-nova.

At bottom is a vast cloud of gas giving birth to many stars.

There will be more of these to come. I promise.

One day I'd like to have an informal vote on which is the best Hubble image.

Won't that be fun?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One word describing these Hubble Images.......


I'd love to be able to paint them!

Good work, Luke.

Ciao for now.