Saturday, January 19, 2008

New Technology Used in Upcoming Game

This short video explains the first use of Digital Molecular Matter or DMM. Here, only a sheet of plywood is used as an example, but DMM technology has been applied with all sorts of materials including metal. DMM will make its premiere in LucasArts' The Force Unleashed, due for release in Spring 2008. I somehow lost another documentary that shows another new technology used on non-playing characters (NPCs). Instead of just being wooden peices in the background, NPCs are now given the "instinct" to save their own lives. For example, if you use the Force to push a bunch of stormtroopers over a cliff, they will try to grab on to anything to keep from falling. If one grabs onto a branch, another might grab his leg, and both will fall to their gruesome deaths. This makes for more dynamic - and entertaining - gameplay. Muahahahaha!

And finally, here is the first trailer for the game The Force Unleashed. Just 'cuz the intro is so friggin' amazing!!! The game will be released for 6 different game platforms. Unfortunately, there will not be a version for the PC. And then, depression set in ...

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