You, me, and that weird dude next door know that there's no way you can tell what's inside a book just by looking at its cover. Still, it's been shown that books featuring celebrities on their covers sell far better than other books. Still, I doubt if I'll ever walk into a bookstore and see a book on Medieval history with a bare-chested King Richard Coeur-de-Lion on the cover.
So far, dearest readers, the changes I've made to Rosetta Stone have been purely cosmetic. I've tried to create a page that's less cluttered, easier to read, and more easily accessible. But, like my poor little history books, I know that a pretty page does not a blog make. Unlike many other blogs I've seen, this one lacks a certain je ne sais quoi. My posts don't seem to stimulate many comments or discussions. So, from now on, I'll be expressing my own humble opinions. They may not be right, they sometimes might not be informed, but that doesn't seem to stop anyone else on this Internet thingie. If I have to, I'll be the Howard Stern (shudder) of blogs. I just hope it doesn't come to that.
Now that I have a new brain, I intend to use it. It might get me into trouble but so did my old one. And I'm pretty sure that everyone out there - well, most of you - has an opinion. Express yourself; this is a computer that has no ego to bruise. I'm just hoping that my stupid computer (yah, you, machine!) can hold together for a while longer. Guess it's in the hands of the machine gods.
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