Saturday, November 01, 2008

My Art Gallery - By Popular Demand!

Okay, not really by popular demand. Actually, I've been putting this off for a long time. Basically, exposing my art publicly is a little like exposing other, less pretty, parts of myself in public - some comments might cause shrinkage. I've posted my work on some more popular pages (names withheld to protect the guilty) because there was some (gasp!) nudity or the subject matter was inappropriate or some stuff was just too damned weird. Well, this is my blog and I am da boss so I'm gonna put what I want to!

Having asserted myself in a child-like manner, allow me to introduce my works. This is an unusual mix of media, from pencil, to ink, and finally computer rendering. I lean toward art in the fields of science-fiction and fantasy but will pretty much draw whatever comes to mind. Missing here are a whole bunch of portraits I did in my early years. Sadly, I put them in a safe place and now I can't find them. The one or two I do have on hand are too big to fit on my scanner. Maybe I'll find a way to include them here one day. Of course, I welcome constructive criticism. Stupid comments will be ignored then deleted. I hope y'all like this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Luke,

It's been a very long time since we've chatted, even longer since we've seen each other.

I hope things are well with you. I see that your commitment to art has done wonders with what you are able to do now.

I'm trying to connect with some old friends, as some I know have passed on these last number of years. It gives me pause to recognize and acknowledge our mortality.

Give me a call sometime, since your old number (514) 723-1123 no longer seems to work. My cell is (514) 884-4566, and you can reach me by email at

Your old friend,