Monday, February 13, 2006

Welcome Pius X Class of 1980!

All friends gather 'round for stories of then and now ... Posted by Picasa


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Anonymous said...

Hi Luke and Len

I guess I'm the second to join the new blog.

I knew that they were going to shut it down last night when I reed the blog. I was hoping they wouldm't because I didn't want that whoever win but it looks like he did.
I hope the other regulars will join in here so we can continue to have fun. As I said on the last post in here somewhere whoeveer what's to join our group(me & husband's group) is more then welcome. The url is

Luke, thanks again for inviting me to your group.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning all, I too got the feeling that anon won, but the biggest winners are here together, perservering and being kind to each other.

Luke thank you for this.
I guess that the OC had no choice, BUT. If and if anons come here too, then our pact should be to ignore.

To all a wonderful day.

Luke Fallon said...

Hey Y'all!

Nice to see familiar faces!

Len: You can leave as many totd as you want. I got lots of space here.

Joe T.: I thought about "the Thing" following us here. But then again ... HERE, I AM BOSS! I can edit to my heart's content.

I think I'll get rid of the "ugly guy" in the former post. I just wanted to show what I thought his very soul looked liked.

My friends, together we will make it so that "the Thing" DOES NOT WIN! It may sound selfish, but this blog is now ours. If "the Thing" or any other pest comes along, we will squish it like a bug.

Unlike other Webmasters, I will put in my two cents every now and then (depending on the value of the Canadian $).

So to all, welcome and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Normally at this time, late afternoon, I would take a break from work and blogg. Ok Ok truth be told, I took an earlier break went into one of the bedrooms and watched some olympic coverage, but back to my purpose of boring you all or entertaining you all... as I was saying I would blogg at this time and felt a little lost yesterday when I was unable too, BUT NOW I CAN GET MY FIX IN HERE.

Does anyone have chocolate they want to share?

Luke Fallon said...

Sorry Len, I will take care of that ugly s.o.b. now ...

Anonymous said...

Luke please don't even go there.
I too lost it on one of my last bloggs and it too was removed because I had used the F word, twice. Please no forgiveness needed. Let's keep it in the past.

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentimes Day all.

Luke Fallon said...

Hello Peoples!


Nice to see you here!
You see? Not all cops are nasty.

Speaking of nasty, putrescine is definitely nasty! It's produced in the body after death. It works with another chemical, cadaverine, to break the body down. First they turn skin and muscle into liquid (anyone for a Smoothie), then ... aww, it's too gross to go on. But you get the picture.

Strangely enough, there are traces of putrescine in human semen. Why? I haven't got a clue.

BTW I've shaken off all the negative energy. Time to move ahead! Tally-ho ...

Luke Fallon said...


How do you find these words?

I was thinking along the same lines earlier today! This thing was unremembered - until I remembered it! LOL.

Things seem a little slow here. Are people afraid that someone with negative energy will show up again? I can assure everyone that the person in question can be deleted with a keystroke!

I'll admit that I'm a little disappointed with the turnout. Ain't I being a good host? Oh well,
time will be the ultimate judge.

Ciao for now ...

Luke Fallon said...


When have you ever been obnoxious!
Tsk, tsk. Shrug those feelings off like an ald sweater.

Why would we not want you to join in, eh? You're a member of da famiglia! You will always be welcomed.

Yes. "Woohoo", indeed.

William Shakespear used "woohoo" in his play "The Happy Blogger". It was never popular and got left on the wayside.

Welcome, Girl!

Luke Fallon said...

Derek had vertical dislexia.

He couldn't do crossword puzzles or read Japanese.

Luke Fallon said...


Good one. Is this guy the same as Bhagawan Sri Rajneesh? Ummm ... no. He works in the vegetable section at Provigo.

Atsa matta, Len? Ya don' like ma jokes?

Anonymous said...

Howdie folks...

ehhh whose Derek???

be carefull it is nasty out there.

stay safe and warm, shucks I should be home then and not here working with these quack quacks, woops, wrong bird!! See, I need to be home... but but listening to Diana Krall and she is a great help.

Later all

Luke Fallon said...

Hey Y'All!

Derek is my made-up American cousin. I used him often when I did stand-up. Jean-Louis was Quebecois, John from Newfoundland, Satinder from Toronto (formely from India). Sometimes I would just make them up on the spot and hoped the audience wasn't packing some heavy tomatoes.

Laughter ... score another one for God in the "good" collumn. (Len, take a stress tab).

I always enjoyed improvisation. Being "on the spot" hoping to come up with something funny. Maybe that's why I always handed in my assignments late.

As Carolina said, be careful out there! Just getting out of my friend's car to clear the wipers and I slipped. Black Ice kills!


Luke Fallon said...


Yeah. Valium's good.

Try Clonazepam. It'll lay you out like a rug.

Actually, I stole that line from 2001:A Space Oddesey. Dave gets back into the ship and is heading to disconnect HAL. That's when HAL says, "Are you sure you want to do this, Dave? Why don't you take a stress tab and relax".

That's not plagerizing. That's borrowing.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Folks:

May I join in also? Or should I stay out ?

Luke Fallon said...


Ma yah! Me I think everybody should join. Except for that Bush guy ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys.
Please keep same and warm.

Len, very nice totd, sounds like me and my husband lol.

As for others joining, the more the merrier.


Anonymous said...

A ha!!!!
found you!!! thought you could hide from me. A voyeur needs something voyez...right??

Hello my new friends...because that is what you have become

I'm glad you set this place up Luke.

I'll be watching unless I can't keep it in....

Luke Fallon said...


I did my best to make the main page more appealing. The fact that I need new glasses shows that the white-on-black page was a BAD idea. LOL.

To Y'all:

I'm still learning about all the little thingies involved in making a good Blog page. The basics were easy, this is kinda fun. So I beg your indulgence as I explore this new world!

And EVERYBODY (except you-know-who) is welcome. Pull up a chair and a cup o' hot chocolate (Eh, Hummer?), Blog, blab, bitch, brag ... write whatever's on your heart/mind.

Icy Winter has gripped us by our reproductive organs! Keep them warm, be well and be safe!

Chill! (Oops!)

Luke Fallon said...

PS: I urge all of you to read the entries under the title "The Rosetta Stone (Thanks Len)" under Recent Posts on the main page. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Ok, ok!! Took me a while, but I am here!

I see that this will be fun.

Thanks buddy boy! This is one beautiful blog. Bravo!

So this is where you disappeared to. LOL!! How are you?? E-mail me sometimes. Good to see you.
Give you a mini Dina hug, LOL!!

There you are too!! Hello!
Hope all is well.

A HA!!!!!!
Me found it to, well kind of! Took a while.
How are you doing these days? Nice to see you too!

I am very happy to see all of you. Really missed the blogging.

Thanks for the invite Luke. Much appreciated. Kisses.

We ended up losing, 2-0. It's gonna be tuff for them to come back (maybe) but it's harder because a lot are against the Canadian Hockey team in these Olympics.
I think the refs were! It remains to be seen.

Any predictions??

Catch you all later folks.

Have a good day.

Lady Di

Anonymous said...

Hi again.

I forgot to tell you guys that since this is a new blog, a really good friend of mine gave me a nickname and thought would be appropriate to have a new name to go with it!

Hope everyone's day went well despite the cold.

Lady Di

Anonymous said...


As beautiful and elegant as always. Don't change, my friend.

Lady Di

Anonymous said...

Wishing all a good night!

Be well!!


Anonymous said...

Good morning!

Wishing everybody a beautiful Sunday.

Bundle up good!!


Luke Fallon said...

Hey Y'all:

"Bundle up good"?

Yah! I'm indoors, I'm bundled up good and I'm STILL freezing! The plumber was here for two days. Does the heat work? No!

My landlord says he can't do anything until Monday. (i.e.:He doesn't want to pay extra for the plumber on Sunday. Jerk!).

B-b-brrrr ...

Hard to type ... vision fading ... give Junior a nice service.

Seriously. I gotta do something to keep myself warm. Cuddle with Junior? Jeez ... he's a fish! Okay. Maybe write something that will really get my flames burning.

Time for one of my Blog Rants!

L-l-l-later ...

Anonymous said...


Maybe you can try to load one of those screen savers with a fireplace on it! LOL!! It should warm you up just looking at it!

Just a thought, my friend.

Be cool! Uhmmmm I mean warm and will see ur rant later!

Vent boy! Vent real good! LOL!!


Anonymous said...

Good night!

Sleep well!


Anonymous said...

Good one, Len!!

Peeked in to say hi!

Guess some are busy. I heard Monday's are the busiest.

Have a good one and see you all later.



Anonymous said...

Hi friends, how I miss blogging, once again thanks Luke.

I am so engrossed in the Olympics as addictive as blogging with my pals. I feel a sense of pride when I see a Canadian compete, and at times I wonder, why I never thought of doing a sport and competeing in the olympics... well guess it was not meant to be. But for those that do compete I sometimes wonder, buddy, what are you crazy, the what, the skeleton!!
How insane is the skeleton, lying down on a board going a gizzilion km per hour face down on ice... yikes I would have lost my face and feet on first try...

I remember in HS, I hated the hurdles, they bothered me so so much that when it came time to do them, I would fake an ankle injury.
Remember we had to do hurdles and 100 yard dash in the hallway in front of the gyms!! one at a time!!

take care all, please come back.

Luke thanks for modifying the blogg so that the date and time shows.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! This is a fabulous idea. Unfortunately, I had no idea the blog had termninated.

Was off last week and have no computer at home. I sure missed everyone and couldn't wait to return to work today. Silly me.
Just another one of those electronic gadgets I don't have.

Today, was absolutely crazy. It's President's Day. President who???? Americans think we have a president.

My week off was uneventful. I was sick the entire week. Watched a lot of tv.

I did receive flowers for Valentine's day from a secret admirer. I was floored when the roses were delivered.

I told the fellow to send them back, it must back a mistake. He says to me "Are you Darleen?...yes, then the flowers are for you". He must have thought I was nuts.

Thank you so much for sending the Valentine greeting. It was really adorable. Thank you so much for keeping the spirit of the blog alive and for all us dear friends to continue to blossom our friendships.

It was really nice chatting with you. It is difficult at times. Life is challenging. You are right about being single. It has many advantages. I am not disappointed with my life.

Sometimes, it is difficult for me to understand your hardship but then realize that I can only be a good listener and friend.

You are a beam of sunshine.
See you soon. xoxoxo

Miss you dear friend. I thought of you one late evening. Went to Maxi, and of course can't find anything. I did purchase a huge bag of flour. It was on sale.

Ran into a lady who lives in my building who stopped my cart. She asks me if I am a baker. Well go figure. What are the purposes for flour?? Soaking the feet....

Then in front of her husband she lays out the claws. She attacks me on every issue regarding condo policies and administration.

In the meantime her husband was quiet as a mouse. I could not believe my ears. This woman was vicious. I listened to her and finally had enough. I was exhausted just listening to her. I told her if you don't like it sell your condo and better yet complain to the new administration.

The nerve, they purchased their condo below cost and are complaining about their condo fees. They said that they should have been warned in advance. I said it was up to the buyer to ask questions. So much for shopping at Maxi. See you soon. xoxoxo

Hope you made it home ok on Friday. Man it was scary. My windows were shaking badly. I thought they were going to blow out. Thanks so much for the Valentine greeting. True friend indeed. See you soon xoxoxo

Mary C.
You are involved with may activities. I read about the prayer shawl. I had stumbled about the ministry by accident looking for some knitting patterns.

How amazing that these prayer shawls would be blessed and then given to someone in need. If you happen to have a simple knitting pattern I would appreciate it.

I too am a knitter mostly simple baby sweaters and scarves. The knitting relieves the work related tension and helps me relax. I am thinking of getting back into sewing.

Fabricville is my favorite store. My mom and I would spend hours looking over the patterns. Good quality time spent with my mommy.

You are are good sewer. I am sure your daughter's prom dress must be gorgeous. How did you learn to sew? Did you take courses? I did take Mrs. Michaelson's sewing course in school and the result was not good. I should take a course. Maybe oneday you can make my wedding dress. Not to worry. It won't have a hola hoop skirt.

Hope Terry did someting special for you on Valentine's day. I had a hard time signing on your website. Will try again tomorrow.

So lucky you didn't get a ticket. It happened to me as well. I was parked illegally while I ran to the bank machine. The cop approached my mom and asked her to move the car.

Picture this, my mom is 82 and has never driven in her life. She tries to explain this in broken english. The fellow was about to write a ticket when I ran out. I pleaded with him and he gave me a warning. Flashing those perly teeth (I meant teeth not boobs)sure helps....sometimes.

Wishing all my dear friends a good evening. Please do write. xoxoxox

Anonymous said...

Sweet Darlene,
How wonderful to see you on the blog.
We've missed you. I know I have!
Was really great chatting with you too. Thanx for the kind words.
All good things are worth working hard for.

Hello. Hows by you?? Got ur e-mail. Will do, bella. Sorry we couldn't meet.

To everybody, good night and sleep well!


Luke Fallon said...

G'day Y'all:

About me blogging, what Len said. The reunion was truly a special occassion. Yet when I looked at all the pictures, I realized I hadn't met half the people there. And the people I did speak to ... there just wasn't enough time. It would be nice if more people blogged, but that's up to them.

Blogging has help me better know certain classmates. They are not the same people as I knew 25 years ago ... they're better. So far, everyone is very kind and loving. I don't know about you, but that's the kind of place I want to be.

To all you voyeurs ... join in! Make up a name like "MuffinMan" or "Skeleton" or "PixelHead" or whatever. But not Anonymous. That has too many negative connections.

Anonymous said...

Hi folks hope all is well.

We are one week away from Mardi Gras!! Growing up we had a traditional dish mom always made, some type of meatball soup.
Is this an Italian thing, it doesn't sound like it, often wondered though?

Did any of you have some type of traditional food for Mardi Gras??

How about some southern foods, favorite mardi gras, jambalaya or some crawfish, cajun shrimps, crab cakes, you know some southern comfort food.

I understood from Sandra Said that Marly was living in the south when Katrina hit, don't think she has been able to find out where Marly went since then. I hope and pray that she is safe.

Anonymous said...

Scorpio man, buddy where have you been... are you the quiet type??

Mas I know what you mean, soul food or comfort food, you kind of get that soft look in the face.

Anonymous said...

To everyone:

This blog has helped me in many ways. At the reunion, I was so nervous and shy. Not to mention I had had a little argument with mom prior. So my mood was not good. As you can tell in the pictures. I was pretty down.

That evening, I felt so out of place. I had no memories of pius. I barely remembered most of our classmates. I felt unworthy of your friendship.

Sometimes I wondered if I really attended Pius. The memories were blocked out.

Since then, the blog has helped me reconnect with many friends. My memory is still a little week.

To renew a friendship that I thought was never possible. To laugh at our own mistakes, silliness and provide useful information. I have learned so much from all of you.

Each morning I look forward to reading the blog. It is comforting to know that someone is there to listen and not judge.

I look over the reunion pictures and wonder who they all are. This is where Carol, Dina, and MAS helped out. Following the reunion, I noticed that I did not get a chance to meet everyone.

Then I came up with a bright idea. It was called Luke's gift. From the onset I had no idea it would be so successful. I had hope.

Luke was not the only one touched by the gift. I believe we were all blessed and allowed us the opportunity to meet with fellow classmates who I did not know.

What a surprise it was when MAGs visited me at the office, the morning of the snowstorm. Joe also made a surprise visit and stayed the afternoon chatting with me and my supervisor. How cool was that.

So it is my every intention to stay on the blog. Until my fingers fall off. I hope you will all join in as well. Please do not stay on the sidelines.

My mom for Carnival would make my favorite treats. We call them frettelle. These are crisp fried pastries. Real yummy. For la festa di San Giuseppe in March. She would make zepple with custard or ricotta chesse. I try hard to follow the Italian traditions and customs. Sometimes I think I am so old fashion. Kids today are so different.

I am glad to see you are back and on the blog. We may not see you as often because of family commitments but hopefully we will again.

I am glad you will be attending Mercedes. Can't wait to give you a big hug.

Wishing all my dear friends a wonderful evening.


Anonymous said...

I believe we are all better looking now. And the women are fabulous at 40. If only I can shred my grad picture.

BTW. There are two McGill students who won medals at the Olympics.


Anonymous said...

Darleen, beleive it or not, I had no idea what Zeppole di San Giuseppe were until a few years ago. Well ever since then, we make sure that one of us reminds my father to make sure that he orders them at the baker. We threaten to walk out or not attend lunch if they are not there. We Falcone's mean business!!

ok enough with the food, off to the gym now, just thinking about food seems to add on lbs.

Anonymous said...

Yes we should start our own ZEPPOLI tradition.

Anonymous said...

Good evening bloggers,

See all is having a good time.

Scorp, Mas,

Hello to both. It's been a while. Nice to see you.

Both are always so loving and friendly to eachother that it's good to see.

Darleen, Carolina,

You both come up with events I never knew and they sound interesting. Being of third generation Italian, we were raised with some Italian qualities, but not all. I guess we learn somthing knew everyday. Thanks!


I know Canolis but Zeppolis sounds good. What's it made of??

Hello Len! Hope all is well. Have a good one.

Sorry have to leave. My back and leg haven't been the best this week. I want to be fine for Saturday. I cannot sit long on the PC.

Will try to see you tomorrow, all.

Good night!


Anonymous said...

Count me in, I dicovered this tradition late in life and thfore I look forward to it. Zepps with expresso, perfect.

Anonymous said...

By the way another good place is in Laval, L'Exquise on blvd Levesque.

Anonymous said...

Darleen I am sure there are many of us that do not like our grad picture, but shredding it will not solve anything.

Your grad picture is a part of who you were and are, never deny that. If anything look at it and reflect on all that you have accomplished.

my 33 cents

Anonymous said...

Hello folks!

Mmmm, I too love Zeppoles and love them at St. Marco. Can't wait until then to savour one or more ....

Twinkletoes (Mary Paventi):
I believe today is your birthday. If I'm correct - HAAAAAAAAAPPPY BIRRRRRRRRTHDAY GIRL and many happy returns.

Sweetest Darleen:
Hello Angel - Missed your blogs in ages.

Unfortunately I cannot blog every day (extremely busy at work and then part 2 at home) but when I do - I pop up and say hello - promise !!!

To all you dudes and dudettes - have a great afternoon and see you allll Saturday night at Cafe Mercedes.


Luke Fallon said...

Okay! Okay!

Enough with all the food talk! Sigh. I've been eating peanut butter sandwiches and instant coffee for over a week now. All this talk of food makes my stomach hurt ... I haven't gotten a contract since the holidays. "I'll tells some friends about your great work," my clients said. Yeah, right. Gotta wait until the end of the month now. Stoopid freelance ...

And it seems Junior won't be with us for much longer. Intead of his usual peppy self, he's slow and sluggish. He hasn't eaten in two days. Yes, I know. He's just a fish. But I got attached to this fish. I used to roll a marble past his tank and he would chase it. He used to jump out of the water to get food out from my fingers. How many fish can do that? Ah, well, such is the way of the Universe.

Gotta eat something. Maybe toasts with peanut butter for a change!LOL

Luke Fallon said...

Mary Paventi!

How selfish of me ...

Have a very HAPPY BIRTDAY!!!!

Best wishes on this very special day!


Luke Fallon said...

Mary Cecere!


All the best for you this day!


Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone

Sorry I haven't been around my computer cashed and also i'm sick with a bad cold.

Glad to see that the blog is moving and that Luke has done a good job here,

Darleen, nice to see you back. E-mail me to let me know what kind of problem you are having to get in my blog and we'll do our best to help you get in. (or I'll e-mail you soon) that goes for whoever else is trying to get in our blog.

To everyone have a nice night.


Anonymous said...

Good evening all,

Busy day I see.


I love your words to Darleen. I concur. Btw, how ya doing??


Peanut butter?? Instant coffee?? Yummmmmy!!

Maybe you can get together with Mas, Joe and Carolina for some Zepolle! Wouldn't That be good??? Sure they won't mind you joining them. Right guys??

Hope Junior will be fine.

Big hug to you!

Mary P and Mary C,

I've wished you both a Happy B-Day on Rosa's blog, but seems also appropriate to wish it on this one. Happy B-Day to both again.

Hello bella. Thans for all the jokes. Can't keep up! My e-mail box keeps saying it's overloaded. LOL! It's cool! I just have to delete stuff.
Didn't forget you for pics. Soon. Sorry for the delay.

To all a very good night and have a good day tomorrow.

Be well, girl. Kisses


Luke Fallon said...


Always the one to find the perfect words. Molto bene!

A joke:

Late for an appointment, a man desperately searches for a parking spot.

"God," he says, "if you find me a parking place, I swear I'll quit the booze."

Just then, a place opens up

"Never mind. Found one."

Well, looks like both me and Junior are not feeling so good. I've got some kind of ugly stomach flu. Eeyuh ... I've got a roll of toilet paper on my thumb at all times.

Going back to bed.


Luke Fallon said...


I don't know what happened to Clement but I never got my pictures on CD-Rom. If anyone can help me out, I would greatly appreciate it.


Anonymous said...



Luke Fallon said...

where'd everybody go?

Anonymous said...

Good morning all, Happy Birthday wishes ladies, sorry with delay but hope you enjoyed just the same.

Len, thank you for reminding me.

Good Friday to all. Hope to see you all tomorrow evening.

So I received my CD with the pics from the reunion, HHmmm, is something missing or is it my imagination??

Anonymous said...


I did too! Haven't looked at it yet.How are you??

Hope the snow tomorrow won't put a damper on our evening. Apparently 15 centimeters is in store for us.

Hope it ain't true and that it will pass us.

Guess we'll see.......

Len, thank you too for the story.

I am here. Just a little busy like all the rest.

Later, and if not, see you domani (weather permitted)


Anonymous said...


Weather permitting.



Anonymous said...

Correction : DVD and not CD.

first DVD, pictures with music
second DVD, same pictures without music.

missing are the group pictures for each elementary, and I also thought that there was a video involved, you know, us in motion with the music the laughter and background noise???

please would like to hear what the rest of you received.

Luke Fallon said...

Hi-Ho Y'all!

Like I say, if anyones could do me a copy of the photo CD, I would appreciated it. I will be you slave for live!

It seems this stomach flu just won't blow over (lol). Yet, I promise that I will be at Mercedes tomorrow, infecting all of you! Ha!

Hope to see you all there. Have a good Friday.

Anonymous said...


I had the package for the 2 group pictures and the DVD photos with Music. I believe it was for 65 bucks.

If you wanted the 2 group pics, the Video and DVD photos with music, it was at 85 bucks.

As Len mentioned, all others were extra. From what I remember the guy saying was with whatever package you took, it would only cost u an x-tra 10 bucks for the others(school grps, etc...)


Your in it quite a few times. Really nice. I can but depends on who else wants to make one 4 u. We'll see. I guess whoever comes first. We'll talk at Mercedes and figure who will do it for you. I am sure there would be lots.

Hello to everyone, and we'll see you (whoever's going) at Mercedes tomorrow nite.

Ciao, all!!


Anonymous said...

Hi to all.

Great time at Mercedes.

Sorry u weren't there, Luke! Hope ur feeling better. Take care.

To all, have a gr8 Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Luke: I hope you are feeling better.We missed you last night.
I will blame it on Bush or

Marie-Ann: Thank you again. It's nice to know that there was a smile as i sometimes felt i was at terra incognita.

Dina: You have a way with the camera as Aretha has with a good song.

Marc: You were a gent at high school and u remained the same.

Mary C; I believe you have a daughter who one day will be mistaken as your younger sister. You have stayed young in spirit.Keep it up.

David V. Ever so funny and informative. A wonderful combination

Nikki: Thank you again for your insights on life; your genuine care of people is very apparent and appreciated by he people around you.

Anonymous said...

Hello people,

Just to let u know that the Mercedes pics of last night are posted in the Pius photo album.

Enjoy them.

Tony B.,
Thnx for the wonderful compliment. It was good to see you there having good conversations with former classmates.
Stay the person you are. We like you that way. I know I do!

Mary Cusano,
How can the Carribean be cold?? Sorry to hear that. Hope you had a good time anyways.
Be well. E-mail me sometimes.

Have a good nite. See you all tomorrow.


Luke Fallon said...


I made a lot of promises to a lot of people about going the Mercedes, and I broke each and every one.

But it was bad ... oh it was bad! My guts felt like they were filled with ice water, the cold sweats and I made good friends with my toilet bowl. Ended up at the ER this morning. At first they checked me out and told me to go home. But an elderly doctor wanted to pass more test. After waiting several hours for the results, the old doctor tells me I have the signs of malnutrition and should eat this, that and the other thing. He game me two Immodium tablets and them sent me home.

11 freakin' hours in the ER, Peoples! No TV, no music, no books ... no computer!!! Well I'm still alive, which is good.

Jeez, Tinkerbell! How'd you post the pics so fast? Looking at the photos, I realized how much I missed. Maybe I should have gone. But people talking to me would have to follow me to the bathroom!

Anyhow, I don't feel any better than yesterday. Really tired.

Take care, y'all ...

Luke Fallon said...


I just looked at the pictures again. I think I'm depressed. Missing all that because of stomach flu? (SIGH)

Me thinks me crawl back into cave and sleep for couple months.

Anonymous said...

As long as u are trying to get better, that's what matters most.

There will be other events.

I was thinkng of organizing Cosmic bowling at Laurention Lanes for a Saturday evening. Ya know,black lights, music etc.... Maybe last week of March or sometime in April.

Who's game??

How about it peoples?

Anyways, a good night and a domani.

Be well!!


Anonymous said...

Luke, we missed you, my husband really wanted to meat you. I hope you feel better soon,

Dina, Great pictures hon. I will be posting them in my blog soon along with mine that are aleady there.

It was nice see the people that were there.

a domani

Anonymous said...

Hi folks, hope all is well.

Di thank you again for the CD's,
have been listening to them all morning, freaking out the people around me, especially the cleaning lady. I think she misses me playing my softer music.

Good to see all of the folks at Mercedes.

Len & Di, night of the reunion I paid the $25 for the his and hers.
I later ordered the DVD and the roaming video for $60, but all I got were duplicate DVD with same pics one with music and other without.

Guess Jack will be getting a call!!
Ohhhh Jack buddy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello all you beautiful peoples.

I am glad people are enjoying the pics. Just wanting to let the people know and see what we can all do together and have a good time.

You are welcomed and glad you are enjoying the CD's. Hope you get things straighten out with uhmmmm, hold on, let me see...what's his name??? Oh ya! JACK the photographer?? LOL!!
Have a good day, bella.

Mary Cusano,
Geez! You remembered that I was and still am a silly goose? More silly than goose, though! LOL!!

Another time, buddy. It's cool! Thanks for the TOTD. How true.

To all, have a Stupendous day! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Good evening.

What's with the husband and wives jokes. You trying to tell us married people something?? LOL!!

All cool, but most of them I've read. Sorry dude. They are kind of funny, though. I can answer a few in there, but yet again, uhmmmm.....NO!

Hope everyone is doing well. Luke, I hope ur fine.


Anonymous said...

Hello dudes and dudettes:

It was nice seeing a lot of you at Cafe Mercedes.

Di: Great pics - Thanks.

BOWLING OUTTING - Count me in. Should be a blast.

Luke: I hope you are getting betting. Missed you at Cafe Mercedes.

To the rest of you dearest dudes and dudettes - HAVE A SPLENDID DAY !!!

Fil Truglio

Anonymous said...

Good day folks,
I've been enjoying your comments, keep them coming.

Tony B:It was a pleasure seeing you Saturday. Enjoyed our chat.

Spring break down here on the southshore. I took the week off and am enjoying myself with the kids. We should organize another skating thingy as an outing. I missed the last one (boohoo).

tinker: I'm in for the bowling as long as keep my mind out of the gutter,lol.

Ciao my friends

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the encouraging words dear parents.

Luke, I hope you are doing better. Those darn computer viruses will get you everytime.

Ciao ragazi e ragaze

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon my dudes and dudettes,

Nikki bella,I too feel good so good I got yous.....

All you peoples out there feel Nikki's vibes rushing thru your veins. Good Karma. She always knows what to say. Ahhhh! Thank you for that, Nikki.

Fil sweety,
You are welcome. I will e-mail you the one of me and you soon. Drats! Still have to send you all the others. I will see if I can burn all on a CD or DVD (whichever one they call it) and will give it to you.

So the spring break, you and the kids, and your mind out of the gutter (or not, LOL!!).......hmmmmm!! Must be fun, fun, fun...... and then some!
I remember things with my parents. What beautiful memeories I have of those yesteryears. As Mary Cusano said, your kids will treasure their memories forever. How cool is that!!

To all,
Treasure your innerselves with pride and joy of who you all are and what you've all become and spread it around to your kids.

I am not a parent, but from what I see in all of you as parents, you are all doing a very good job.

May God bless you all and continue to guide, these wonderful moments in your lives.

So I got a little sentimental. Hope it's fine with all.

Ok. So I got Fil and Mags for bowling. Who else???

Good rest of the day peoples of mine.

Ciao tutti,

Anonymous said...

Tony B,

How wonderful! Touched my heart.

I knew the lyrics sounded familiar, but don't remember the tune.

Good on you, buddy and have a good day.

To the peoples,

Have a stupendous Saturday!!


Anonymous said...

Hellooooooo out there!

So I got a few minutes and came to see what's going on. Where is everybody??

Hey there. Hope all is well?? Nice to see you. Have a good afternoon. Will let you know soon for lunch.

Haven't seen you in a while. Talk to us buddy. Hope ur well. Miss you here.

To all yous peoples hope you are all well and good.

Talk later!

Ciao and kisses,

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
Just dropping in to say "hello". Hope you guys are all well.

Have a great afternoon!

Anonymous said...

Darleen honey,
Nice to see u. Miss you.
What's new? Call me.

Well! Guess people are busy.

Trying here but all by myself. It's lonely in here. Need some Ray Charles and Bailey's. Just to chill from a rough day.

Ok! As Luke once said,"talking to myself" I think that's what I am doing. LOL!!

See ya all!


Anonymous said...

Hi friends hope everyone is doing well. Sorry was away since last week and did not have a chance to blogg.

Now it's catch-up time at work... at least it keeps me out of trouble.

take care

Anonymous said...

Good Morning to all.
Happy Women's Day to all the fine gals.

Hope everyone is enjoying their "Spring Break".

It's busy like crazy in my office. We have been warned not to call in sick under ANY circumstance. Oh I feel a pimple coming....need a to consult a good doctor. Hehe...

If I get hit by a bus, do I still need a doctor's note??? What the heck, they couldn't careless about me anyway. They'll easily find a replacement. Better yet, abolish my job so they can save money.

Have a great day!

Hello Carolina hope you are not drowning in work.

Fun in the sun. Lucky you.

Where are you? Hope you are feeling better. Should I send my mom? She will make you feel better real quick. She has all kinds of tonics in her medicine cabnet. I wonder if any of the stuff is marketable. Oh frankenstein.....

Hey Len,
Perhaps this will brighten your day. I was visiting a friend in the Math department and came across an article. This will interest you. The fellow who invented the "Periodic Table" passed away. It was definitely the "mother of all inventions"!


Anonymous said...

Ehhhh what's a periodic table??

Anonymous said...

Darleen, you guessed right, work is hectic.

By the way, do you know a Peter in the housing dept at McGill?

Anonymous said...

Well, well!

There is a teeny weeny bit of action back here. Hmmmm..... Guess talking to myself a few days ago might of done something. Ya! Right!! LOL!!

So! I am fine and as some people might already know, I will not be there on March 18th. I will be somewhere South and soaking up some rays to warm up those aching bones. LOL!

Had a minute to peek in between my regular routine whatyamacallits thingamajigies......Ya, ya! House stuff and haircuts, etc.....

Boo!! Hehe!! Hiya girl! Hugs and kisses!

Always good to see ur TOTD's.
Thnx for them.

Hugs and kisses too.

Mags! Where are you?? Cluck cluck!! LOL!!

Where are you??? Miss you.

Oh! Still waiting for answers for a bowling night in April I want to organize. Let me know pls.
Thank You.

Be well and good day to all!


Anonymous said...

Hi everybody,

I'm still lurking. Keep writing, I'm reading.

Love you all,


Anonymous said...

Well! Look who decided to pop in! It's about time, Mags. LOL!

Hope all is well with you and all of you.

I am fine and dandy.

Wanna share something with you all.

I am booked for Venezuela next weekend. Yahoooo!!

Fun in the sun, was long over due.

Feeling good right now.

Anyways, would be nice to see more people on this blog and Luke! Where the heck are you??

Ciao tutti amici,

Anonymous said...

Hey all!! I am back after 2 attempts today.

Mary C.,

Thnx for the wishes. Very nice of you to say! I will have a good time. (I hope! LOL!!) You know me! Party animal. Hehe!! I bet your pics are nice.

Nice to see you. What's up?? Guess ur going after all! LOL! Good 4 u girl. Have fun.

Good to see you too, buddy. Maybe we'll have lunch when I come back. This week will probably be hectic. Take care, sweety.

Busy girl you are! Wanna hear from you soon when you can! Be well, bella!!

I am going to post the bowling event anyday now. Go check it out!

Have a great evening everybody. A bientot!!

Ciao, ciao,

Anonymous said...

Hi folks hope all is well.

Nikki, the spanish language is at times a strange one, depending of the country.

Oye como va??!! LISTEN HOW IT GOES !

Oye como va mi ritmo, LISTEN HOW MY RITHYM GOES
Bueno pa gosar mulata, GOOD TO HAVE FUN (fool around), MULATA

hey the spansh reminds me that polyglot should reveal himself this weekend, don't you think?

and Denise St. Amour, I think she dated my brother in highschool !!

The only Andre I remember from our level is Andre Di Genova and yes I also remember him being in gymnastics.

Can we all sit together on Saturday? Rosalba will also be there!!

take care...

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone

Dina, Have a great and fun trip and don;t do anything I wouldn't do lol.

Well now I know who's going Saturday great. See you guys there. It should be fun since the unik band is playing. They played at my wedding and were fantastic.


Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Nice to see everybody excited for Saturday night.

Want you all to have fun.

Nikki, Carol,

When I come back, let me know who Polyglot was. I am dying to find out!

Make sure that some of you take pictures since this photographer won't be there. I would love to see everyone having fun.

Have a good night and be well.


Anonymous said...

Good day friends,

Dina enjoy your holiday with hubby Neil.

Nikki, Oye is from the verb oir, which means to hear!! but you are right, both fit, beauty of the language sometimes!!

Hey Cusano girl, shame you are too far away, when you are next in Montreal let us know, we can all meet.

Luke where are you?

to all others a great big hello.


Anonymous said...

Hi all

Nikki, yes it's a great band. People that came to my wedding were still talking about the band 2 years later. I didn't even know Tony went to pius until I went to buy the tickets. I will be seeing you there

Marie-Ann, Unik has both, band and DJ.


Anonymous said...

Hello to all!!

Peeking in to see what's up!

Hi girl! Actually, I got an e-card from Luke just yesterday wishing me a bon voyage.

I was so glad to hear from him. I guess he's fine.

Thanks again,buddy! Meant a lot to me. Be well and take care. Hope you'll be on soon! After all, it is your blog. LOL!! Miss you. Kisses.

Always a pleasure. A heartfelt helloooooo to you too.

See you all soon, peoples.


Anonymous said...

OOOOPS! Missed the ker at the end! LOL!!

Oh well!!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning. Wishing everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day! Hope you guys are wearing your lucky shamrock underwear.

Luke, I hope you are feeling better. Please write when you can.
Promise to make you some homemade brownies.

Have a wonderful trip! Sorry haven't been able to call. Extremely busy at work. It is spring break for Ontario. Lots and lots of crazy people.

Thanks so much for your TFTD. Always insightful. Take care buddy.

Hello. Happy St. Patrick's day!

Carolina and Marie-Anne,
Have a great day!

Maria C.
Hope Stephanie is not too stressed with school. Finals are approaching next month. I feel it already.

To all have a wonderful day!



Anonymous said...

Darleen again

I just wanted to mention. Is anyone having problems with Jack "Reunion Photo"?

At the reunion, I ordered a elementary class picture (Transfiguration). To date, I have not received my picture. I had paid $30 for this picture. I have called Jack three times.

In November, at that time he explained that the file was corrupted and he was having problems developing the picture.

He also mentioned that he destroys the negatives. Which is odd. Why would he do this only a week after the reunion. I am sure people would still want to order pictures.

I called him again last week. He was rude and restated the problem and mentioned that he would provide a refund. I am still waiting. I doubt that I will see my money.


Anonymous said...

Happy Late St. Patty's Day to all!!

Busy running around with last minute haircuts, things to get, laundry, packing and all the fun things that come with it like "A COLD"! Ya! I got one. Darn!! C'est la vie!!

I haven't had a cold in I don't know when and finally want a little vacation and BAM! Keeping fingers crossed.

Thank you! Hope to hear from you soon!! Kisses.

Tony B,
you are a good friend. Thanx for the advice and caring! Don't you change either.

Liked our talk the other day. Thank you ever so much.

To all,

I might be back one more time, but if not have a fabulous week-end (and at the party) and a glorious week!

See you all when I get back.

Be well and safe and kisses to all.

Ciao, ciao,

Anonymous said...

Hi Len sorry to advise there were no pics taken at this past weekends event.

However that is not to say that we did not have a good time. Awesome moment for me is when the hustle came on and we all lined up and did the hustle, just like they taught us in line dancing school.

Anonymous said...

Hiya folks,

Len, always good to hear from you.

I'm glad saturday's windig went well. So Carol, you hustled, cool.

I haven't heard from the other dancing queens. No, Len not you (heh heh)

Thought I'd wish everybody happy Spring (how sappy, pardon the pun).


Luke Fallon said...

Hello My Cheeky Monkeys!

Did y'all miss me? Oh ...

Well I missed y'all!

All kinds of things attacking my selfdom. Two (count 'em TWO) stomach flus/food poisoning, one badly sprained ankle falling down the stairs (with my new bi-focals) and a little, tiny nervous breakdown. Yup. That about covers it all.

For most of the past month, my universe consisted of my bed and the bathroom. And that damned sprain forced me to hop on one foot a lot. Couldn't (or wouldn't) want to hop to my computer. I still feel weak as a kitten hit by a train. Oh, you know what I mean. I just realized that in a little while I'll be the same age as most of you. I'll be 42 but feel more like 82! Seriously, I'd like to erase the past month.

And when I did finally get back to my computer, I had 4 crashes, endless problems with my Internet ... aarrr, the hell this computer put me through!

BTW for those who care, Junior is - amazingly - still alive! It's been about a week and a half since he's eaten. He's blind and he can't move around very well. I was thinking of euthenasia, put the little guy out of his obvious suffering. But my Mom insists that all this time Junior has been fighting and struggling to stay alive. She maintains that there's a reason why he's living so long, like God wants to teach me something. I don't know. I really don't.

I've having problems with this Blog, too. As you may or may not know, I started this Blog as an independent e-zine (electronic magazine). There's a program made specifically for this Blog to post images, like daVinci. Problem is, it's not doing its job. While I was sick in bed, I wrote a lot of stuff that I'd like to post as articles in my e-zine. And I have a picture for each one. As a test, I posted the "Indian head" test pattern. When I came to post another image, it failed. So, gotta figure that one out.

I remember a joke from high school: "When Luke sits around the school, he sits AROUND the school". Well, I'm going to twist that around. I'm taking my big arms and I'm giving all of you a big hug! I really did miss you.

To all, be well. Love.

Anonymous said...

Luke my friend.

It is so nice to hear from you. I am sorry you have gone through so much. And hope you are feeling better. Adjusting to new glasses takes time.

I too am going through a difficult time with my poor mom. Her health has not been good lately. Lots of sleepless nights. I suppose our roles change as we get older and it is up to us to take care of our parents. I just hope she can shake this flu. I sure miss her yelling at me because I haven't done the housework. Just kidding.

Be well my friend.

Anonymous said...

Dear Luke hope your birthday is much more pleasant then the last month. Use Junior as an example,
learn from him.

have a wonderful birthday!

Anonymous said...

Luke my friend, nice to see you back. I hope you are feeling better. I know it's hard but take it one day at a time. I wish you the best on you birthday and all yeaar round.

Darleen, hope your mom feels better soon.

Len, keep up the totds

To the rest of you hi.

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day dear Lukester.

Darleen: best wishes for your mom

Good to see so many friendly names (faces)

Ciao ragazzi

Luke Fallon said...

Hiya Hiya Y'All!

Thanks extremely very much for all your birthday wishes. They made me feel like I'm part of one big family.

Len, your TOTD made me think a lot, as usual. I'm changing Junior's water every day, and even though he's blind I try to guide him to his food with little taps on his tank. Sometimes he eats a little, mostly he doesn't eat at all. The rest is in the hands of God. Yes, he's just a fish, but I've gotten attached to him. As I said before, I used to roll a marble back and forth in front of his tank and he would chase it. Sometimes, I'd hold out a bloodworm (food of choice)just over the water and the little bugger would jump up and take the food from my fingers. When I called his name (with a Scottish accent - don't ask) he'd come to me and do his fishy little dance. Just a fish? I think not.

Darleen: I'm very sorry to hear about your mom. I know exactly what you mean about the role reversal. Whenever my mom goes out, I go with her because she inevitably falls. She has less of an appetite and sleeps less. I took her to see her doctor, do some tests, but there's nothing obviously wrong with her. I worry about her all the time.

Tony B.: Yo 'bro! Where's the ticket, Dude? LOL

I will try again to post my article. Will see what happens.

Later y'all ...

Anonymous said...

do i smell spring in the air???
do i see spring in the faces of strangers ???



Luke Fallon said...

G'Day Y'All!

Len: So you're number 200! We'll have to do something to celebrate that. A door prize maybe. Maybe my bedroom door ... ha!

Carol: Not yet. When you smell the dog poop THEN it'll be Spring. Wait ... (sniff) ahhhh, there it is! I'm gonna have to do the Snoopy Spring Dance. Here I go ... waoh! ... unh-hunh ... can't stop me now! ...

Marie-Anne: Yeah ... Scottish accent. Don't know why but it worked. He came-a-swimmin' every time I called him. "Aye, Juniorrr! Come herrrre, Boy!", and there he was, panting like a puppy (hard to do under water).

We may have a visitor. His name is Vic and he's from Missouri. He has an awesome site that features mostly science-fiction, but he also has pics from amazing artists, movie stuff, all kinds. So if he shows up, give him a big Canadian "hello". (If your interested his site is at

Gotta go write another article so ...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Luke. May this year be the best one yet. Many good things to come. Just have to believe. Thank you for understanding. It is not easy taking care of our eldely parents. We do it because we love them. Unfortunately, this is not true for ever one and all situations are different.

Mags, Rosa, Tony
Thank you for your well wishes. My mom is a little better. Slowly on the mend. I hope. It is really nice to have a wonderful support system. You guys are the best.

Got a new Alley McBeal CD. Can't wait to go for a drive this weekend.

Have a beautiful and safe weekend everyone.


Anonymous said...

is everyone outside playing ???

Anonymous said...

Happy Spring to all. What a glorious day we had!

Well, well, well!

So this is what's been happening for the last week while I was basking in the hot Venezuelan sun! Yesssireeee!!! 30-33 degrees every day for 7 days. Not a cloud in the sky. La bella vita!!!!!

I'mmmm baaaaaack! Hehe!

So, Luckey,
Happy belated Birthday, Matey!! Hope it was a good one with many more to come.
How ya feelin'? Sorry to hear of what you've been going thru. Not nice, but I see you're keeping your spirits up like a true, strong Irishman. (and strong headed too!) LOL!! Nice to have you back. Kisses!

Hi Len! What's new??

You too, Marie-Anne. What's new with you, girl??

Spring is definately hear. No! No typo! I wrote it like that b-cause you can hear the birds sing when spring is here. It's nice to see you smile.

Hey bella! What's up?? Miss our talks on the phone. Hope ur mamma feels better. Call me soon. We can go for coffee one evening together next week. I'd really like that. Kisses.

Tony B.,
How are you?? Long time no chat, my friend. Hope ur well and talk soon.

Nice pics. I saw that you had a good time. Always a pretty smile on ur face when you are having fun. So nice to see.

Sorry to hear no one took pics,(besides Rosa and Terry) but glad you all had a good time. I am happy for all.

Mary Cusano,
A big hug hello cara and molti bacci. xoxoxo

Now you decide to pop up! You come in about three times in a week and then you disappear for a month or 2. What's up with that?? LOL!! OK! Seriously? Glad to see you. Hope all is well and everything is going good. How are your arrangements going for the family trip to Italy this summer?? Are you still planning to go? If you are, good for you. Your wife and kids will enjoy it very much. It's good family time. Enjoy! You only live once. Right Len??

To all have a gr8 evening and talk soon.

Kisses and hugs to all.


Luke Fallon said...

Oh my God!!!
She's baaaaaack ...!

Heya, Lady Di! Nice to see you back. With weather like that I assume you had a great time. Hope you used Sun Block #5000!(LOL). So what's it like down there? Lotsa chix in bikinis? Haaaaaaaar ...

I hope the return of your sunny disposition will encourage others to drop in more often. C'mon people! No charge for sharing your thoughts ...

Also, I encourage you to have your say in other categories on this blog. Atsa what itsa there for!

I may remove the ship in my latest picture (see "The Last Holy Place"). Or move the pyramid. Give me your opinion ... please.

Later ...

Luke Fallon said...

P.S.: The "cafe" will be re-opening soon. Any suggestions for a name for this one?


Anonymous said...


I would remove the ship. The pyramid kinda blends in perfectly. You can replace the ship with someting more in the likes of something which relates to your title. Just a thought. I will try to see what I can suggest another time.

Really nice to see you back, buddy. Hope I see you soon.

PS, peoples! Still waiting for a few more answers for bowling. Even if you don't bowl, come for fun.

PSS. Those who are coming, please confirm if partners are also coming so that I can get a good count.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lady Di, I just sent you an email and it came back as delivery failed...what's up with that!!!

Send me an email.

Anonymous said...



Didn't have a chance to delete all the e-mail jokes that were sent while vacationing. I had 33 and more have been coming. With getting back to my usual schedule and loads of laundry and haircuts in between, you can say that I am busy! LOL!! Will clear it soon, and you can re send it later or another time, bella. Thanks. Hope all is well.

Sweety pie! I am a little BRONZATA. Nice golden color. I had to be careful though. Sun was really hot. Even with 30 SPF, I burnt. I also get a rash on my skin from too much sun exposure. Oh well!! At least it shows that I went on vacation, thank God!

Good afternoon to all. Have a nice day and hope to see you all (or some) soon.



Luke Fallon said...

Hey Y'All!

Thanks a zillion, Dina. I tried what you suggested for my pic and it does look better without the ship. Now I have no idea what to put in its place.(LOL). Any suggestions? BTW count me in for the bowling thingie.

Len old boy! Thanks for the encouragement. But it's not just shaky hands. When walking I tend to veer to the left. I don't know how many times my doctor made me walk up & down the hallway! I also get these mini-blackouts. And 5 years ago, when I last had an MRI they found something about the size of pin head embedded in my medula oblongata. At the time my neurologist said it wouldn't pose a problem. Five years later and ...

I finished my "free-style" by the way. I think you'll all be surprised how it all turns out.

A la prochaine.

Anonymous said...


You'll think of something good like you always do. I don't think that pin size whatchamacallit affected ur brain. When it comes to what you're best in, you are BRILLIANT!
Thanx for coming to the bowling. It will be fun.

Anybody else??

Good night y'all!!


Luke Fallon said...

Hey Marie-Anne:

Just wanted to get your attention. Guess it worked! N'yah, n'yah, n'yah!

And, no dear, your butt is just fine. I never really looked at it so I guess it's okay.

"Get Medieval on your ass". Never saw "Pulp Fiction"? Let's see if I can find some kind of definition. I think "to punish severely" fits. Naw, I was joking about that, too. I'll be sticking to my reliable noogies. Haaaaaaar ...


Thanks for your kind encouragement. It's times like this when I really appreciate them.

Hey Y'All!

Very soon I will be putting up a posting in memory of the writer Stanislaw Lem who passed away, age 84, this past monday. I started reading his books when I was in Secondary three and haven't stopped. His work inspired me and changed the way I saw the world. A lot of people believed he should have won the Nobel prize for his work.

Tah-tah for now ...

Luke Fallon said...

Well, not much I can say after that one.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Everyone,

I am in the office now for a couple of minutes. Forgot some stuff yesterday. I haven't had a chance to write and was thinking of you all. I know that many of you have been experiencing some difficulties health wise and amongst our families. I want you to know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

It is good to have you back. I hope you are feeling better.
And you had a great birthday Spring is in the air. We definitely love your blog. A place where we can all gather for instant comfort and friendship.
My mom is doing better. Was on antibiotics until she developed a bad rash. Now she looks like a red lobster. Man.

I hope your brother is doing better. Will talk soon. Hugs and kisses.

Maria C.
The school year is over. Exams will be starting soon. Can you believe it!! Hope Stephanie does well on your finals.

I am so glad you had a wonderful vacation. Taking time out sometimes helps to reflect and provides a new prospective on life.
Hugs and kisses.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.
Must run now to feed the meter.


Anonymous said...

Hello all,

Happy Fishie's Day! LOL!!

I concur with you, Tony. Len needed a well deserved day off and you did a good job posting this one. Thanks!

Hey girl! Call me soon. Wanna go for coffee again or maybe supper? Let me know. Kisses!!!

Hey dude! Ya still want the DVD of the reunion pics? I still have it for you. E-mail me and let me know.
So it's a yes for bowling??

To everyone else, have a gr8 afternoon and be back soon.


This is the list so far for the Bowling:

Dina & Neil
Fil & Hubby
Tony B
Carol & friend
Johnny Ciarella
Frank Perrone

Anybody else, please let me know. Thanks.

I will re-post final count before the 22 of April.

Luke Fallon said...

I hope nobody laughs too hard at this. Ironic that it's April 1st though.

It is with great regret that I announce the passing of Junior Fishman. For five months he was a true companion and friend. He was unique, unlike any other fish I've seen. Although Catholics think animals have no soul, I beleive Junior did. A short prayer for my buddy would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


So sorry my friend. A little prayer I will say.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

Luke, sorry to hear that. Take care.

To all a good night

Anonymous said...

Ahh Luke, I was hoping to read ' april fools',but I guess not.
Junior and Junior stories will be missed.

To all, a great day.

Len, a friend of mine went to some sugar shack yesterday and she said that besides the traditional food served this place instead had a buffet that also included pizza, roast beef, egg wierd is that !! I think it is sacrilegious!!

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon all.

Wishing you a gr8 afternoon and to all, be well.

AHHH!! The Cabanes a Sucres. Haven't been to one of those in ages. Thank God, or else I would have overdone it like Len did! LOL!!

The vacation buffet was enough.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about Jr's passing. I will make a special request to have our McGill flag lowered in his honor. Perhaps McGill can award a special honorary degree for Junior Fishman at this year's spring convocation. I wonder if the adminstration would even notice that he was a fish.


Anonymous said...

Good night all.

Sweet dreams and a good morning.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning,

Junior Fishman will be receiving his honorary degree at convocation on June 6th. He will be awarded a Bachelor of Science in Marine Life Biology with a minor in Psychology.

Honorable mention will be made due to his aquatic skills. Proud papa...Luke Fallon.

Let us all take a moment to remember Junior and bid him farewell. Dearly beloved friend to Luke.


Anonymous said...

Good afternoon,

Lucky Luke's Cafe is opened. Come and join in one and all. The music and atmosphere are simply awesome. Nice to have it back.

Live life, peoples! That's what it's all about. Lets make memories.

Wishing you all a good rest of the day.

Hugs and kisses,

PS. Hi Len and Darleen. Be well!

Anonymous said...

Gooden tach!

Hehe!! Don't know if I spelled it right but who cares. Y'all know what I meant. Have to go check in my German books.

How's everybody today??

Oh ya! Darn little snow we had last night. Just enough to make you sick! LOL!!

Hello bella. Glad to see you. Have a good one and be well.

Hiya dude! Hope ur morning is going good.

To everybody else peaking in, a super sized BIG hello and wishing you this day to be a great one.

A piu tardi, my friends.


Anonymous said...

ok Dina, it is Gutten Tag...but not sure if it takes 2 t's or 1 !!!

how's bowling response coming along? you mentioned a bar does that mean there is a bar there or is beer the only drink they sell and the bar is nearby.

Yes Mary we believe.

BTW, Angie Caruso sends her hellos to all. She is living in Alberta.

Anonymous said...


Bowling response is not bad, but I think we have about 15 people for now. Waiting for more hopefully.
Thanks for the correction on my German. I think ur right. If I find my German book, I will look it up.

The bar is in the bowling alley. There is one in the middle when you come in the main entrance ( they serve beer) and a small bar room further down. You can order what you want there. Not only beer. Did you say you were bringing someone?? So that would be 2 under ur name?? E-mail me.
I had e-mailed you a couple of weks back, and I think they said ur mailbox was full.
Say hi to Angie Caruso for me (if she remembers me.)

What's the verdict?? Hehe! When you can, buddy. When you can.

Later all,

Anonymous said...

Correction! Ooops!!



Luke Fallon said...

G'Day Y'All!

Darleen: I'm sure Junior would have appreciated McGill's offer. Hey, I'll be there on June 6!

Since I am going to the bowling, might as well start begging for I ride. Please, please, PLEASE!

I know that at 8.30 pm there are no buses running around that part of town. I used to work out there. If I did any over time, I had to call my dad to pick me up. Man, he would get so pissed!

Okay. It's time for an official LAF Poll. I love Betta fish; they are beautiful, unusually intelligent, and are cheap (kinda like my girlfriends - lol). I've had 4 Bettas so far and they usually die after three months. Junior is the record holder at 5 months!

Now, it took 3 people to get this question right.Knowing me and the facts above, here is the question:

Should Luke acquire another Betta fish, knowing fully the consequences?

Cast your vote at the posting at the top of the main page where you see a fish. Hey! This might be fun!

Anonymous said...


Ya gotta start getting rest, my boy!


I just voted on the Betta! Go check it out! Only thing is, is that I didn't know you already had 4.
I voted before reading your post here. Oooops! Silly me! LOL!!

Oh well!! I am not use to being up at 8am. Guess I am still tired after an hr passed. Coffee didn't kick in yet! Guess I have to go to your Cafe and get a strong cappuccino. See you there, amigo!


Luke Fallon said...

Awwwwright ...

Keep those votes coming ...

Luke Fallon said...

Fish don't got no teeths!

Anonymous said...


One of your best TOTD's!

Thanks for reminding people how precious life is!!

To all, hope everyone had a nice Friday and have an even nicer weekend!



Luke Fallon said...


DON'T vote here. Click on "comments" under the angry fishie.

Wait ... you already did that.

Never mind ...

Anonymous said...

Len, yeah but- yeah but.... never mind ... quite unappropriate what i was going to say....

good day

Anonymous said...

Nice Len!

So, in other words, the men will be broken when stiff and hard, and the women will prevail when soft and supple?? Am I getting this right?? LOL!!

Oh geez! Where did my head just go right now?? Haha!!

Hope everybody had a good day and ato all, a wonderful evening.


Luke Fallon said...

Oh, man!

You chicks got your head in the gutter more than guys do! I understand, Len.

My bones are stiff and painful while on the outside my blubber is soft and pliable. Right?

Hey, anyone read my article on Stanislaw Lem? Anyone? Aw,well ...

My sister has a couple of American friends that are really into Lem. They're supossed to visit my post. Hey, she told me that a week ago!

Luke Fallon said...


If you find that the Pius Blog is starting to get slow, advise the Webmaster (me) and I will open a new post.

- Thanks.

Luke Fallon said...

Oh, yeah. There are Fallons EVERYWHERE!! You cannot escape. We will assimilate all of you. Muuaah-ha-ha!

Actually, I found out that Jimmy Fallon (SNL) is a cousin but like nine or ten times removed.

Luke Fallon said...


Go check out the Vader Blog. You'll feel much better.

Also, whenever anyone posts a link,you should "cut" it somewhere (put the cursor somewhere in the address and press ENTER). Then the whole address can be seen.

A public service announcement from LAF.

Anonymous said...


Wishing you all a gr8 day.

It is beautiful out there. Go take a walk when you can.

Later all,

Anonymous said...

Sorry Len!

Didn't mean for you to smell tar. Oh well!! How was I suppose to know. I was merely suggesting for people to take a walk on a beautiful day.

Oooops! guess it didn't work for you!

Have a good night everybody.


Luke Fallon said...

Where in the Seven Circles of Hell is everybody?

Has everyone turned into voyeurs? Pretty soon other - possibly weirder - fetishes will pop up. Like vegesexuals, or those people that are turned on by ear hair. What a world!

Y'know I'm really getting sick and tired of those all-night infomercials for "1-900" sex talk lines - what I derisively call the "Broad Channel". When it's my lunch time, about 3 am, I like to sit down with my sandwich and watch TV. There's not much on at night so I channel surf. And there they are - on TWO channels - trying to get me to call and pay $5 a minute to talk dirty with some chick. Puleeze! So there broads in bikinis are dancing and TRYING (unsuccessfuly) to look sexy. They're models for still pictures. On video, they don't know how to move. A hippo in a tutu would look much more graceful! And how many times do let look away from the camera, like someone is giving them instructions. They look like total dopes. Okay, there is one I like. This brunette with a gold bikini knows how to play the camera.

But I wouldn't pay a friggin' nickel to talk to these broads.

Hmmm ... wonder where THAT came from?

Oh, well. Have a wonderful day, y'all!

Anonymous said...


I am still here too.

BTW. Do you have a VCR??

Get a TV Guide or TV Scene and check the programs you like, then tape them, so at 3am, you can watch them.

If you don't have one, sorry. Was just a thought for you, buddy.

Hope ur sleeping well (or ur up now) and have a good night and morning.

Good night everybody.

Night Owl

Luke Fallon said...


Oh, yeah. I record stuff all the time. "The Simpsons" plays every day on CBC, "House", "Discovery", etc. But I like to channel surf, just in case there's some science stuff, or reruns of "Conan". In so doing, I always see those silly girls. Maybe I should just press PLAY at the start. Anyway, I gotta see the one in the gold bikini (she's my hero - lol). Thanks for the suggestion.


Who you calling an idgit? You long eared, scruffy-looking, varmit?

Haarrrr ...

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter.

Have you noticed how all the sales clerks are much younger than us. Everywhere I go. Not to mention how rude and unfriendly they are.

Remember when we were growing up and the sales clerks looked as old as granny.

Last weekend, I was at Loblaws and accidentally purchased an extra loaf of bread. I immediately returned it before leaving the store.

The girl at the cash made such a big deal about it. She examined at the loaf of bread very carefully, checked out the bag. Then she weighed the loaf to make sure that none was missing.

The weight of the bread did not measure up. Luckily, I have a sense of humour. I said to the chicky, "why don't you count the slices". She was not amused and reluctantly gave me the refund.

Later in the week, I was at Winners and purchased a book. BTW in case you guys don't know. Winners only charges one tax if you are buying books.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows about it including the sales clerks. Who would rather throw the book in your face. I defended my ground and challenged her. Finally the manager had to explain it to her in simplistic terminology. What a moron!

Is it just me. What happened to friendly customer service. If they all had this kind of attitude in my office, they would be fired. However, nowadays it is not so important. They are doing a job, a temporary one for now.

Another one to add to my list. Jack photo still not sent a refund. Five months now and nothing. He obviously doesn't belive in good customer service.
I have heard that many of you are experiencing similar problems.

You guys are going to laugh. It has been extremely busy in the office lately and will continue for the next three weeks. People assume we are open for Easter. They get so upset when we tell them that the school is closed. How dare us be closed during their only holiday.

I had a request from a mother wanting to know if we had horse polo on campus. Gee I wonder where we would keep the horses.

This American mom said that she had a hard time understanding us be we all speak "Canadian".

Well this is all for now. I sincerely wish you all a very Happy Easter and Buona Pasqua. Will be making my world famous Easter cookies for my favorite nephew.


Luke Fallon said...

Hiya! Hiya! Hiya!

Yes. Fozzie Bear was my favourite.

I have a new image for y'all to criticize. Now I don't want you to kiss ass or anything. I'm not looking for your praise. I want your HONEST opinion. ("Only a TRUE friend would be so brutally honest!" - Donkey in "Shrek").

Finally, I would like to wish everyone and their families a wonderful and


Look out for those vicious hollow bunnies! Remember Troy and that wooden horse. Hunh? Hunh?

Be good, be nice to each other and to everyone.

Love all.

Anonymous said...


Amazing stories in here.

From salespeople (kids as you all say) to heartbreaking stories. Oh, and Luke's Fozzie Bear! LOL!!

This is all so nice to read. Thanks!

Here is my Easter story:

Like every year, I go on an Easter Hunt in my house. Hubby gives me indications and I go search. This was my 16th Annual Easter Hunt this year. It keeps getting better every year.

Imagine my poor hubby hiding chocolates in the house for the last 13 years we've been in it.(as well as 2 apartments in the other years) Heck! Not easy to find different places but he knows how and I have fun.

Just wanted to share this with all.

Hope everybody had a nice Easter and have a good Monday.

Kisses to everybody and be well!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Any voyeurs out there, still room for bowling next Saturday.

Pls let me know if ur interested via e-mail.

The ones that are going more info will be posted this week before the event. Also to let me know if ur bowling or not. Important for me to know.

Thanks in advance.Hope to hear from some of you. Need more people for another team.


Luke Fallon said...


I've happy to see that this Blog has more depth to it than most Blogs. Thanks to the ever faithful Len and his TOTD and Tony B. for also giving us pearls of wisdom. Your stories have no doubt touched many others as they have me.

Tony B.:
I think you're the one that sent the story about "Ugly" the cat. Maybe because of my experience with animal, I could really relate to that story. I don't know why but since I was a child I had a "special" thing for animals. My mother says it's a special gift from God. However messed up an animal is I'll try to help it.

When I was 8, a cat had been hit by a car right in front of my house. One of its eyes was hanging out and its stomach had split open. Still, I picked him up and carried him to the sidewalk. He weakly put one of his paws on my hand. I stayed with him until he died. While my mom was cleaning me up, she asked me why I did what I did, apparently (my mom remembers this, but I don't) I said, "Because no one else would".

About a year after I graduated from Pius I had another encounter. It was after a big storm. I was walking along Sauve going to a friend's place. There in the street was a seagull. Most poeple have no great love for these surprising large birds, but I had nothing against them. As soon as I picked him up, he started biting at my arms to the point of ripping through my sleeves. I brought him to the Sauve entrance of the school when I realized there was no way to get him to the vet. I made sure he was out of harm's way - the poor bird had a broken wing and could barely move. I trotted to the vet and told him about the bird. His secretary called the SPCA and the vet told me to relax. I had known him for years and trusted his judgement. He invited me into the back room to fix me up. Until that moment I hadn't noticed how the seagull had left scratches and bite marks all over my arms. My vet cleaned up and bandaged the wounds. I ran back to where the bird was and got there just as the SPCA guys but the bird in their truck.

Most people would just leave these animals there. It's not in my nature to just leave an injured animals where they are. Maybe that's why I get all choked up when my fishies get sick and die. Saint Francis had a reputation of caring for animals. Maybe that's why he is, by far, the most influential saint for me.

Anonymous said...


As you mentioned your stories, I too have a little one to say.

Yes! Tony B did email the story of the Ugly Tomcat. It touched my heart and I literally felt all these sad emotions stirring up inside me till tears swelled up in my eyes, streamed down my face as I was reading it.

Almost 5 years ago, a cat came to my balcony door and meowled. Little did I know that her meowl wasn't the same as all cats. I though something was wrong with her. (I checked the behind to know it was a she) LOL!! She's one of a kind.

I fed her and kept her outside for 3 days. Called the SPCA and they never called me back. I asked hubby if we can keep her (I got attached) but we weren't sure since he has allergies.

I brought her to the vet and got her checked out. She was fine, so they said, and brought her home. 3 days in, she regurgitates a tape worm. Yeesh! I freaked. Called the vet again and brought the worm in a ziplock bag with paper towels. He gave me 1 pill for her to take, and asked me to bring a poo sample to check for worms. She had none. She was free of all stuff. Phew!!

We still have her despite that she's functioning on 45% of her kidneys and not much teeth, but very healthy. I feed her special food and she's been getting better with every check up. She's eating well and maintaining her weight. She is VERY spoiled, loved and also happy. So precious.

She is now about 11/12 years old. Till this day, I am glad that I took her in. Don't know what I'd do without her. Hubby might be a tad allergic (hardly) and also loves her to death. She's my child as for I have none.

Funny about what you said about ur mom. Mine always told me that I had a love for animals and that I always brought stray animals in since I was young. She was right, and today, I still would.

Hope everybody is having a swell day.

Later peoples.


PS. Her name is Speppy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Luke and friends,
Just wanted to say hello and hope you are all well.

I should mention that I finally received my refund from Jack Photo.
It took him 5 months.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Hello to all,

Bowling night is approaching. Are all excited??

I am still putting a few things together, but will soon send e-mails with all the informations. We are aproximately 18 bowling and 2 or 3 That are not.

We will be a good bunch and we'll have lots of fun.

I am very happy that this turned out well. Thank you.

So like I said. Info to come soon. Check ur e-mails this week.

2 more days, peoples till we see eachother. Yahoooo!!!

Take care and good night.


PS. Again, pls confirm by e-mail.


There is still time to join if you decide to come. Just let me know if u want to bowl or not.

Anonymous said...


I like that one. Cool!!

Hi to all.
Hope everyone had a good day.

Be well and see you all (well some) soon.


Anonymous said...

Good day all, will be seeing some of you tomorrow. Sorry have not been on, work gets the best of me at times. Fear not I am still here.

hasta manana...ciao

besos a todos

Len, me like 44.

Anonymous said...

also 9 & 14...

Anonymous said...


I haven't forgotten the info for the bowling domani sera.

I am now re-arranging teams and attendance as for 1 person cancelled out.

As I've told you, the info will be well on it's way soon.

Thanks for your patience.

Ciao and a good rest of the day to all.


Anonymous said...


This info goes out to those attending which some e-mails were rejected.

It also goes out to all voyeurs and people who cannot make it! LOL!!

Good evening dudes, and dudettes!

Everybody ready for Cosmic Bowling tomorrow night??? I can't hear you! Did everybody say YESSSSSSS!!!! Alrighty then.

Here is the info:

Place: Laurentian Lanes

Address: 222 Montee de Liesse
(corner of Cote de Liesse)

First of all, I would like it, if possible, for you to arrive about 10 mins before the 8:30pm mark, so I can see if everybody on my list has arrived. Especially for the people who are BOWLING.

I've managed to create 4 teams of 4 with titled names. They will be revealed once our lanes will be ready as for they are reserved. You will all then look up at the screens and see what team you're on. Oh what fun!! LOL!!

We are going to be playing 2 games each.


2 games including shoes............... $10.50 per person

2 games no shoes..........................$ 8.00 per person

Here is the list of people who are coming.


Fil & hubby Ralph
Len & his wife Mary
Mags & his wife Denise
Teddy Nero & his wife Anna
Moi & hubby Neil
Pina Farinaccio

Non bowlers :

Rosa & hubby Terry
Lina Signorile (will let me know that night)
Gerry (Pina Farinaccio's hubby)

Also, at the end of the 2 games, the team with the highest score (in those 2 games) will be awarded each a prize.
This will be a thank you on my part for attending the event.

Here is my cell number in case of anything. Please do not hesitate to call me.

(514) 996-4200

I am looking forward to seeing you all.

Thank you and have a great evening.

Kisses to all,
Lady Di

Luke Fallon said...


you are post #300!!! Congrats!!!

(Virtual confetti, virtual baloons all over the place).

I'd give you a door prize, but then I'd have no privacy. Ah-heh-heh! Get it? Door ... privacy?

Ahhhhhh ... well. Better get some sleeps.

See y'all tommorow.

Luke Fallon said...

Hey Y'all:

Now that was funtastic! Seeing y'all launching heavy balls at those white things that look like pins. And I haven't seen so many flashing lights since my last UFO abduction.

While I sat there, I was actually thinking about the physics of it all. I came to realize that it's actually quite complicated. Speed, angle, spin - cool!

Most importantly, I got to spend time with a bunch of wacky freinds. Just being around ggave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

A great big thank you to Dina for organizing this event. From personal experience I know how hard it is to get all the details together. Cheers Lady Di!

A warm thank you to Fil & Nelson, Teddy & Anna.

I look forward to another one of these shin-digs!

Time for beddy-bye. It's only 2:30! Ack ... I'm tired anyway.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone

It sure was a nice evening Luke. It was nice seeing you after such a long time and everyone else. I had a great time even though I didn't bowl. My husband said to me that I went to school with a great bunch of people.

Dina sweety, you did a great job organizing the event. Thanks for the dvd. Sorry we weren't able to stay with you all afterward.

A speaial thanks to Len & Mary for being so nice and giving us a lift.

Anonymous said...


Being a bowler for over 20 years,it does take concentration, skill, angle, spin at times(not always)and precision.

Knowing where to throw, which arrows to follow(which you couldn't see cuz of the lights) takes an enormous part of thinking.

I really love the sport. Goes way back into my family. You can say we grew up with it. From duck pin at age 8 and then during 2 years of my 3 years at Pius. (Wednesday's after school at Fleury lanes) I started playing ten pin at 18.

Anyways, a little history there.

First and foremost, I want to thank you for the nice compliments which I received here.

It was a pleasure to organize this fun event for our classmates. I would do it all over again, if all are willing.

I would also like to thank everybody (husbands and wives of our classmates too) who participated in the Cosmic Bowling event Saturday night. It wouldn't of been a turn out without all of you. It was very much appreciated from my heart.

I would personally like to thank the last minute bowlers:

Terry, Rosa's husband

Gerry, Pina Farinaccio's husband(despite the cast on his left arm and hand)

They both filled in the place of the people who couldn't attend due to other circumstances.

You guys were such troopers!!

Sammy and Rosalba, thank you for advising me in both your cancellations ahead of time.

Cheech. Hope your vacation in Cuba was nice and hot. Tssss!!! Hee hee!!

I would like to congratulate the prize winning team of:

Ted Nero
Anna Maria Nero
Pina Farinaccio

They each won a little trophy and a little bottle of Henkell Trocken dry sparkling wine.

For those who didn't bowl but came for the atmosphere, thank you too! Was wonderful to have you there with us.

You're quite welcomed.

Cheers to you too, buddy!

Len and Mary,
Thanks for your kindness in bringing Rosa, Terry and Nicky to the event.

Fil and Ralph,
Thank you for bringing Luke over too!

Teddy and Anna Maria,
Thank you for bringing Luke home after we hung around at Kelsey's.

For those who weren't able to be at Kelsey's with us, I truely am sorry. It would of been nice to have you there with us.

We'll all get together soon and spend that time missed.

Again, to all, Thank you!

Take care, and be well.

Have a great Monday.


PS. Luke! You're rubbing on me dude! Is this the longest I've ever written?? Did I beat you??? LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Len and Mary,

Thanx for attending. it was a pleasure.

Oh! You're right about Mags buying you a beer. How sweet. He bought hubby and I one too! Thank you Mags.

Didn't he know how well I can bowl with beer in my system?? Guess not! LOL!!

I doubled or nothing him on the 2 games. He was doing so well in the first as I wasn't so I bet him a buck. As for the second game,uhmmmmmm....... Let's
just say that he probably shouldn't of gotten me that beer. Hehe!!


Wherever you are you were a good sport and thanks for edging me on. It made you bowl better I am sure. You really were trying hard there and did well. Congrats! I am also glad your lovely wife had a fun time too. Was nice to meet her.

I regret to tell you that there are no pics of the event. I appologize as for I FORGOT my camera.

If ever I do plan another Cosmic Bowling night, this time I won't forget it.

Again, sorry.

Have a good night and a good morning.


Luke Fallon said...


Well, ya done good with the writing, but no one's beat me yet. I think the longest I've written was on the original Pius Blog. My entry turned out to be close to half a "page". I'll tell you, after that one, "my wrists are on fire" took on a whole new meaning.

Also, thanks a million from the DVD. My computer doesn't recognize it but my DVD player does (d'uh). It's good to have a permanent record of that special night. Keeps me sentimental. Jeez, and can the music be any louder? When I first put it on, I ended up hanging on to the ceiling with my finger nails! LOL!

If I ever organized something, I probably come up with something really lame like the Planetarium. But they do have a great show ... no, no, I'll stop right there.

Wait now. I gotta thank my beer providers. Carol got me my first - ching, Girl. Then it was Marie-Anne, God Bless. Finally, Mags at the Pub - thanks much, Dude.

Now then, I got creative problems with "Mountain Lake Sunrise". Those who are interested please check out that posting.

Again, Dina, you should have gotten some kind of award for the great job you did. Thanks again for getting me outta my cave.

Luke Fallon said...

I loved that Mother thingie. I chuckled out loud. I guess that would be "COL".

Well, you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Len, Good one. I liked it and some of it I do remember momma saying it and others I do say now to my kid lol. I know, I knopw I already thank you for the lift but I'll thank you again.

Luke, keep up the good work you are doing on your blog.

Dina, I'm typing this and listening to the dvd you gave me. Thanks girl it means alot to me.

Anonymous said...

Len, Good one. I liked it and some of it I do remember momma saying it and others I do say now to my kid lol. I know, I knopw I already thank you for the lift but I'll thank you again.

Luke, keep up the good work you are doing on your blog.

Dina, I'm typing this and listening to the dvd you gave me. Thanks girl it means alot to me.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Now Len, this was fun. I, like Luke was cracking up (ROFL!!) Typical Italian mamma. LOL!!

Thanks buddy. Your best one ever. (the others are good too)

Lukey baby,
So cool, dude! If I do another one, you'll come again?? Look! You get beers out of it! LOL!!

Yes! The music is loud, but I can't imagine you hanging from the ceiling by your nails! I can probably see my cat do it, but you?? Hehe!! Kidding buddy. Ha!!

No problem. Just enjoy it and remember who your friends are.

Hello! Hope to see you again.

Kisses to all and see you soon.


PS. Luke, If I can get you out of your cave, I will do it over and over again. Your welcome. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow one has to travel far to get here....

Dina et all thanks for Saturday it was enjoyable.

Hope to see you all very soon.

Anonymous said...

BTW, if you hear of any positions available please can you let me know. I have been asked to look for another job. Boss man has not laid me off but it is coming I am sure.

thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Dina, believe me I never ever forget who my friends are.

To the rest have a good night

Anonymous said...

Lol Len , you got me going but at the end I was on the flour laughing.

Hi Marie-Anne, nice to see you on here and it was nice tyo see you last Saturday.

Luke Fallon said...

Hiya Rosa:

Sorry I haven't been on the "New Pius Blog" in awhile. I didn't realize how much time and effort it takes to keep a Blog up and running. I promise I'll visit you soon.

TO ALL: Unlike the old Pius Blog, this one has no time limit. It will go on existing as long as you want it to (or as long as I have the energy to drag my carcass to the computer). Cheers!

Luke Fallon said...

Hey! Where'd everybody go?!

I swear ... it's NOT contagious!

All that work and for what?

Luke Fallon said...

Hey Y'all!

Seriously ... it's been six hours since I last signed in. From what I see, no one - NO ONE - logged in. Not even 1 person. Not even to say "hello". Nothing on Rosa's Blog either.

If I sound frustrated, I am. I thought y'all would appreciate something different, so I worked on the da Vinci "Top 20" and the "how to" on Image Manipulation. I did some clean-up here, some tweaking there just to make the Blog a little more enjoyable.

The fact that I only got 3 hours sleep doesn't help.

But this does support my idea that the Blog is dying.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for that one. Very touching.

Lukey, Lukey, Lukey,

I am always here. I missed a day. I always write on your new stuff. Ya know that.

It ain't dying till the fat lady sings. LOL!!

Hello Rosa and Marie-Anne.

I will be # 2. Is that ok??

Get ready buddy! Hehe!!

Later guys,

Luke Fallon said...

Tony B. : Thanks very much for dropping in every now & then to share some pearls of wisdom. Like I said before it gives our Blog more depth than most other Blogs.

Tinkerbell: I know you're always there, Buddette. I was just feeling bitchy that night (morning?). I've been having bad cramps, nausea, bad headaches, etc. Hey ... is it THAT time of the month again? LOL. Seriously, I've been trying to shake these symptoms with little success.

Also, I found out my local pet store might not be getting any Bettas at all! Stoopid pet store! What am I gonna do? I need Betta! Hey, wonder if they have any black ones? That would be cool. I might even get two. They have special tanks seperated in half by a plate of clear plastic. Still, would you want to spend you life staring at someone you would rather kill?

Food for thought ...

Luke Fallon said...

Hiddy Ho Y'All!

Well, I got infected by the idea of rendering the interior of Fanny Mae's "beachball". Problem is, I can't find an amazing image of a lotus flower. I've used all kinds of search engines and nothing, zero, nada. And her "spoon" is harder to draw than I thought.

Gotta find a solution, just gotta. If any of youze guyz have any images of a lotus lying around you send send it my way. Thanks.

Luke Fallon said...

Hey,hey,hey! (It's faaat Albert!)

Wow ... really quiet around here.

Kinda like a ghost town. Oops ... there goes some tumbleweed. No wait, it's steel wool. This is electronic, y'know.

Here's a story for y'all. I need certain medication. My pharmacy used to be at the corner, but they were "absorbed" by Pharmaprix and are now about 20 blocks away so I get them delivered. I was running out of stuff, so I called them Thursday night/Friday morning and used their automatic renewal system ("Please press 1 to renew, press 2 for a kick in the ass).
First, the computer lady said it would be delivered Saturday morning. Cool. I had enough until then. I was putzing aroung the house when I noticed it was already 5 pm. I called and they said there were no more deliveries for the rest of the day. I would get it delivered the next day.

Already my blood pressure was going up a few notches. I called them again today to find out when they would get here. Oh, we don't deliver on Sunday. I had already missed three doses of precious pills and told them so. I was put on hold for 10 minutes. Then they said they would call Mr. Delivery Guy to see if he would bring them today - even though he's not REALLY working. I'm still waiting.
During this whole incident, not one "we're sorry" or "it was our mistake" or nothing! Apparently, my meds are still in the delivery car! I don't even have the option to go pick them up.

To top it off, I feel REAL bad.

No jokes today, Folks.

Luke Fallon said...

Thanks Mary.

Actually, things turned out rather well. At first, they called the delivery guy and he said he doesn't work Sundays. So, they refilled my Rx and a girl that works with the pharmacist brought them herself! Wow! I offered her the usual tip but she just laughed and said to keep it for the next delivery - NOT!

So, all's well that end's well.

Also, I just downloaded the theme from the Godfather, only accordion & mandolin - beautiful. I think I'm gonna make myself an offer even I can't refuse!

(BTW Al Pacino's B-Day was on Friday - or Thurday? His father was born in Corleone, Sicily. Freaky!)

Anonymous said...


How are you girl?? All is well with the famiglia?? Nice to see you again. Be well.

Tony B,
Hey you?? How's it going?? Like Luke said, "it's nice to see you pop in once in a while."

Also want to say that even if you didn't write the sayings, you might of as well written them yourself. For you to take the time to post them, you might of as well wrote them yourself. I culd see you saying things like that cuz you're a good person at heart to care. My hat's off to you, my friend.

Thank God ya got them. We wouldn't want anything happening to you. Hope you find your Bettas, buddy. Oh! Btw., I see your cramps are better. LOL!!

To everybody watching in here,



PS. Luke! appology accepted.

Anonymous said...

Ok! So my mind was somewhere in the side of my head. LOL!! Sorry for the repeat Tony. Guess it was working overtime or not awake yet!

The thing is, is that I compose and re-arrange as I go along and forget to delete some parts. But all in all, you get the picture.

Time for me to have another coffee. Have to go to Lucky Luke's Jazz Cafe and get me one. Heck! Maybe a Cappuccino. It's a little stronger and can do wonders for my brain cells. LOL!!

Ciao again,

Anonymous said...

Hello peoples,

Popped in to say hello and see what's happening.

Len! Keep 'em coming. Good to read.

To everyone eyeing, a great big hello and a wonderful evening.

Hugs to all.


Anonymous said...

There is no place like home!
There is no place like home!

good to see all of you

I hope this finds everyone well.

God bless you and hope to see you all soon.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow!

How is everybody??


Look who finally decided to make a sweet, short, GRAND entrance, quoting Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. Mags! Nice of you to waltz in.

Good to see you here, buddy. Btw, how's that hole in ur pocket doing! LOL!!

Hi Tony,
How ya been?? Nice to see ur TOTD'S. Hope all is well with you?

Shucks, girl! You busy woman! I didn't know you have twins?? Wow!! 18, Geez!! Don't worry so much. I am sure you raised all your children well. Now you can enjoy ur lives a little. Have fun with them. At their age, they'll keep you young. You're 18 all over again. That's awesome! Be well and see you here soon, I hope.

Hiya! See you're keeping the fort with your TOTD'S. Always good to read, sweety. Nice to see you too!!

Luke! You there?? Hellooooooo!!

Ok. Back to the chores. This was my lunch break.

Adios and later y'all!!

Ciao, ciao,

Anonymous said...


I am for a little. I am just browsing for now.

My so called lousy day yesterday.

Woke up, got ready to go do clients hair. Not only running late but as I am driving, I get a speeding ticket. Yikes! That hurt. They just broke my clean record of 15 years without a ticket. Some dumb luck I had! LOL!!

They've been everywhere these past few days. Be careful, people. I got caught on Henri Bourassa. There were about 4 cop cars waiting and they can catch you before you even see them.

Then, going to another client's house, I had to do a short runaround detour. Then rushed home (was careful this time!) to pick up hubby and bring him to the dealership for his van.

Went to Zellers for something and had the pleasure of receiving a phone call from Carol. We went for coffee. What a delight it was. That really calmed my day. Phew! Thanks Carol.

The rest, well no need to say. Regular go do groceries, go home and make supper etc......

I hope today will be better. I think I'll stay home to avoid mishaps in the day! LOL!!

Have a good day, y'all.

Ciao, ciao,

Anonymous said...

lso like to wish all the mothers here a Happy Mother's Day.

Have a nice weekend everyone.

Anonymous said...

You guys are very deep. You keep pulling on my heart strings. Very touching.

In this world where everything is so superficial, it's nice to see some people remember the real values of life.

God bless you.

Folks, about your moms: Huggem if you gottem.

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's day to all the moms.

Dina it was a pleasure...let's do it again soon.

Greetings to all.

Anonymous said...

I know I am late, but all who are mothers out there,


As Mags said, if ya gottem, huggem.

To all my clasmates who are moms, and to the wives of my male classmates, Bless all of you. Hope your children gave you all what you so richly deserve: Love, admiration and appreciation for what you have given them through their lives.

Very touching. Again I got tears in my eyes with your story. Thank you!

Always something nice to follow up on. Great to hear those words too!!

We will do it again soon. Kisses.

In this world, the Values of Life aren't seen that often anymore. Such a wide world of stressful varieties block them, that the importance of them is short lived. You're right! It is nice to see that people still have those values.

Hope everyone had a good day and see y'all soon.

Hugs and kisses.

Anonymous said...

Len, Len, Len,

I am here, here, here......

You're right! I am hearing an echo, echo, echo.....

Ok. I had lots to do even though I was in a vegetative state. My mind was functioning, but not my body. I guess it was one or 2 of the blues days we sometimes have. Of course, the weather didn't help either.

But all is well and I am still functioning and alive! LOL!!

Wishing all a wonderful afternoon and will try to be back sooner.

Kisses to all,

Anonymous said...

Good morning peoples,

Yes! Another gloomy day but a happy one for one of our classmates.


May your day be filled with joy and laughter. Hope you get what you want and more.

See ya later.


PS. Hello to all

Anonymous said...

Good morning all,

I woke up this morinig at 8. Got my daughter dressed, made breakfast and ran out to her soccer practice. It was wet, it was cold. I've still got the chills, but all worth it. Just to see her face.

May you all see happy faces as a result of your efforts.

God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

Hello all,

Ya! It's been a while but I am here.

Big hugs and kisses to all.

Happy Birthday to Mags. He 's 43 b-4 you, Len!! Drats! Sorry Mags. Hehe!!

I was 43 b-4 you guys anyways. I am already 5 mths in! Yikes!!

Yes Len! These old bones, etc....

Ok! Said my peace.

Luke, Fil, Darleen, Rosa and Terry, Mags. Make sure you all check your e-mails. Pics will be coming soon.

Catcha later folks.

Hugs and kisses to all,

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