This photo dates back to 1929 and if you look at the top image you can see that it showed it's age. My mother showed me the picture and asked if I could fix it with my computer "magic". I had never seen a picture in this bad a condition but decided to take the challenge. By the way, the child in the center, that's my mom aged 1 year old - isn't she cute! (Nice boots!)Anyway, I work on it for a week off and on, trying things I'd never tried before. The final result is the photo on the bottom. I'm still not entirely satisfied but I learned a hell of a lot while I did it. And I enjoyed myself doing it!
I wish I could do this!
Hi BB.
Same here.
BRILLIANT one more time! It really came out nice. I don't see where it could be better, but then again, I ain't no expert like you.
Good for you, dude.
Good day, eh!!
Hey! So sry for replying to ya so late. I've been so busy working everyday.
Nice blog with all those pictures!! Great work!! I wished i knew how to edit pictures. Weee~~ Then i can make me look more me? LOL~!
Hi Jeralyn! (Beautiful name!)
Glad you could finally make it!
Working like a slave, hunh? Don't you get days off? Or are you torturing voluntarily (LOL)?
I think you're site is awesome. Always stuff moving and I like the black & white look. I also like the little cat (it IS a cat?) and her prayer. I lol everytime I see that.
BTW if you want to discuss anything at any time, feel free to e-mail me at
It would be great corresponding with you.
As for the rest of you ... at ease.
Of cos i'm not torturing myself voluntarily! I'm such a lazy girl! :P
Can't afford days off....need as much cash as possible.
Hahahaz....Do you have MSN?
Actually i don't know if it's a cat or a rabbit...lolz...i still can't decide which it is...hehez
Sure i'll email you but can't promise you fast repiles..hahaz..
oh and sry i replied so late...I thought you'd reply at my blog~~~ hehehez. *bleh~* And you didin't fill a new entry so i thought you haven't come in yet~~ Hahhaz... oops~~! oh and your name is nice too~~!
Hey there! you're finally back~ =D
really great work.....i think the picture is super... sure everyone agrees,u are a great guy luke with a big heart always ready to help any way u can...and always come out with SHINNING COLORS...i am sure ur mom is very proud of YOU.... TC
do you want me to remove the pics?
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