Here I am in that murderer outfit! Yup. I was the Dawson College mascot, Cool Cat. Every time I donned the big cat head, I inhaled the tangy, intoxicating sweat of all the previous suckers that wore this suit. I had to look through the dark "sunglases". They were really tinted pieces of plastic, permantly smudged with the finger prints, nose prints and some ... other stuff.
I normally wear size 12 shoes. The footware that supposedly came with the outfit looked more like black duck's feet. My big toe reached about halfway into the foot. This and the dark, smudged glasses made walking tough; navigating the stairs was a nightmare. The genius who invented this horror made only one air hole, at the lower part of the head. I was sweating, I couldn't breath too good and I had insisted that someone "volunteer" to be my guide. I had to take breaks every 15 minutes or else the CO2 levels got too high and I started hyperventilating.
Cool Cat also had a blue tail, held in place with a safety pin. People pulled on my tail all the time. When it came off my guide had to pin it back on.
At sporting events people would through plastic cups, beer cans, whatever they could get their hands on. Meself and this costume were so big that it blocked the view of the came. The same abuse went on at parties. It was non-stop torture ...
... But I would trade this experience for all the tea in China! Despite generaly unpleasant conditions I enjoy this. I've got to admit, when the end of the semester was looming over the horizon, I was really hoping that Cool Cat didn't have any more events to attend. Thankfully, today's mascot costumes are more "user-friendly" and much lighter.
The best part was that I could make and ass of myself (at Christmas I played a "Jack Daniels" Santa [hips!]) and no one knew who was in the outfit! Totally anonymous! Oh, what fun.

Oh what fun it is to ride in a........Oooops! Got the song in my head. LOL!! Who's gonna fill in the blanks!
So big and fury that costume! HA!! You must of been a riot with it on.
Didn't anybody tell you so?? What great spirit you had to do that?? Hope so and if not, they were all stupid!
What a pisser for all the junk in there ya had to suffer and endure! Ewww.
Didn't they have Lysol spray then or some kind of Febreeze??
But hey! Was fun at times, wasn't it??
I liked your last story. Now that was good.
Later, y'all
Got them! They (the spam folk) left two in this post alone. Weird.
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