You could probably find these all over my apartment. Most are crumpled up but a few, like these, somehow survive. They're just doodles, really. Nothing like my "finished" art. I draw them while on the phone, during commercials while watching TV ... just about anywhere and anytime. To capture every idea that went through my head I'd need, like six arms or tentacles or something.
Well, you get the picture ...
Cute doodles!! I'd be happy if i could draw anything 1/2 as gd -_-||. I failed Art every year since i was 10.
Oh my!
Love the work you have done. Fantastic doodles.
I can see that you are a Star Trekian.
Don't lose your talent. All is good.
Take care.
Wow, I knew you were good in art, but I have a soft spot for Star Trek.
Can we see more?
Thanks for the kind praise.
Some artist once said: "Art is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration". I could never really understand that quote. For me, the percentages are different each time I work on something. A doodle is something a I use as a tool. When I get inspired,I can actually see the image I want to draw.
However, like dreams, time makes the dream/inspiration fade away. If there is paper and a pen, pencil, quill, or a cat turd, I will use it to make a doodle in order to remember the inspired image I had had in my head. Next, I make a more elaborate sketch. Then either I colour it by hand or scan the image and finish it on my computer.
"Star Trekian"? Wow, that's a crazy one! We're used to being called "Trekkie" or "Trekker" or even "Trekkist". But your "Star Trekkian" seems totally inoffensive.
Just for that, the alien here gives you 8 thumbs-up!
Dr. Len: Zo you vant to see more Trek, yes? That can be arranged. I need time ... I gotta FIND them first. You see, this gives me a reason to actually go and do it! I love it when a plan comes together.
I'm a patient guy, HURRY UP!!!
I like tv, but sci-fi, documentaries, and a FEW shows with meaning (I hate reality tv and game shows, sorry y'all)
Thanks to y'all for your encouraging comments. I've got a whole bunch more doodles somewhere around here ...
Soon (I hope) I'll be dishing out the ugly truth on "reality shows".
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