Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm okay to drive ...

Note: Never order the seafood platter at a placed called "Hot Dog Steame Le Quebecois".

Just recuperating.

I'll be baaack ...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if there are any fish in that urinal??

Oh my! It also looks like someone I know.


Luke Fallon said...

Someone you know?!

Oh dear ...

That can't be good!

Anonymous said...

No it can't, but I was mistaken. It's not who I thought it was. Oh well. Would of been funny though.

Take care and have a good weekend.

Luke Fallon said...

I think this guy got the muchies and was trying to eat that sickly perfumed white hockey puck thingie (probably has an official name).

Not as tasty as a nice pizza. But in this state he probably wouldn't know the difference.

I'll stick to Bailey's, thank you very much.