I haven't seen the movie yet but I sure hope Spidey doesn't get splattered around too much. That awful looking chap on the bottom is Venom, a new Spiderman suit gone really bad! This is the way I remember him from the comics ... all big and ugly and stuff. The suit is alive and tries to take over Spidey but ends up with a life of its own.
And where's Spider Woman when you need her? Yes, there is a Spider Woman and she's been in the comics for quite some time. Will the big shots at Warner ever include her in a future movie? Probably not. But imagine how M.J. would react if Spidey had a new partner. Just makes sure that there's no alcohol involved. You now how that can make a situation worse.
If you've seen the new movie don't hesitate to leave a comment. Your opinions are sure to be interesting.
You are so creative. How's the weather in CAN uk? Canada?
OR y GONE is great.. SUNNY and just like summer.. only it is still SPRING.
Did someone mention my name?
I was there tonight but lurking in the audience. Spidey seemed fine with his dark side. When he went back to normal, I wanted to help but MJ was already jealous with the chief of police's daughter.
Mr. Luke,
Great pictures and continue your work. Always the best.
Good night.
Shari: Hello! Have we met? Welcome!
"OR y GONE"? I'm guessing Oragon, USA? It's a shot in the dark but ...
Yeah, I'm in Canada. The weather? Freakin' weird! We had a few days this month when the temperature went up to about 80 degress and the next would drop to 40! Hello global warming! Methinks it will be a crappy Summer in the Great White North, eh?
Join in any time.
Spider Woman: That's good to hear about Spidey. As I said, in the comics Venom gave Spidey problems for many years. It haunted Peter Parker's dreams. Venom's pretty scary looking, too.
Spider Woman, eh? You wouldn't be wearing the same outfit as the one in the picture, would you? Maybe we can meet for coffee ... or munch on a couple of flies or something. (Tee-hee-hee!)
Always the best? But I know I can do better!
I wear the outfit only when it is a must. It gets me places where I do not even know existed.
About the flies? Not into them. I'm into other type of flies. I think you are smart enough to figure it out. By the way, do not forget the fly that is doing the backstroke in your coffee. It should be a tasty one. Lots of protein. lol.
Have a good weekend and take care.
Good day.
By the Sphincter of Hell! You're right! The little guy's doing the backstroke ... mmm, doesn't taste TOO bad. Now I'm like the old lady that swallowed a fly. I don't know why she swallowed a fly ...
As for the rest, I was just joshing, y'know. Pulling one of your eight legs, as it were. Always the class clown.
I'm still wondering if it's worth forking out the $10 to see the film. Later this Summer the second "Fantastic Four" movie will be released. The first one pretty much sucked (Jessica Alba as the INVISIBLE woman? Who did the casting on that one? Har!). This installment is supposed to introduce one of my faves - the Silver Surfer! A lot of my friends told me that he came off kinda, y'know, gay. I strongly disagree and think he's cool!
Time to surf for Silver Surfer pics! Get it? Surf for pics of ...
Never mind. T'weren't that funny anyhoo.
Up and away!
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