One of the largest UFOs ever seen has been observed by the crew and passengers of an airliner over the Channel Islands.
An official "air-miss" report on the incident several weeks ago appears in Pilot magazine.
Aurigny Airlines captain Ray Bowyer, 50, flying close to Alderney first spotted the object, described as "a cigar-shaped brilliant white light".
As the plane got closer the captain viewed it through binoculars and said: "It was a very sharp, thin yellow object with a green area. It was 2,000ft up and stationary. I thought it was about 10 miles away, although I later realised it was approximately 40 miles from us. At first, I thought it was the size of a [Boeing] 737. But it must have been much bigger because of how far away it was. It could have been as much as a mile wide."
Continuing his approach to Guernsey, Bowyer then spied a "second identical object further to the west".
He said: "It was exactly the same but looked smaller because it was further away. It was closer to Guernsey. I can't explain it. This was clearly visual for about nine minutes. I'm certainly not saying that it was something of another world. All I'm saying is that I have never seen anything like it before in all my years of flying."
The sightings were confirmed by passengers Kate and John Russell. John, 74, said: "I saw an orange light. It was like an elongated oval."
The sightings were also confirmed by an unnamed pilot with the Blue Islands airline.
The Civil Aviation Authority safety notice states that a Tri-Lander aircraft flying close to Alderney spotted the object.
"Certain parts of the report have not been published. I cannot say why," said a senior CAA source.
Earlier this year, however, the MOD declared its intentions to open its UFO files to the public.
Last year (2006), Canada ranked third in number of UFOs reported in one year.
A lot of people (skeptics) say that sightings involving pilots are taken more seriously than others.
Well ... duh!
Airline pilots go through a lot of training. They are able to judge distances, estimate direction and speed, and detect unusual conditions in the sky. Also, there is a crew working in the cockpit with the pilot who are also witnesses.
If I had to choose a trained pilot VS Jim-Bob looking through the target scope on his rifle, well ...
Comments anyone?
I think Luke would take the Jim Bob one.
They are space stations. That's it! Plain and simple.....at least that's what I think!
Ya! We are being invaded. Hey! Maybe they started the global warming! LOL!!
Yup! Me crazy again! Just having fun. Ya gotta love it! Yes??
Take care peoples.
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada. Thanks for the attention, bye). Até mais.
If most of you don't know Portugese, the following is a very bad translation of what our friend Rodrigo said:
"Oi, I found yours blog for google tá well interesting I liked this post. When to give gives passed for mine blog, is on personalized t-shirts, shows step by step as to create a well personalized t-shirt maneira.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Personalized T-shirt. Thanks will be the attention, bye). Until more."
If anyone can clarify this translation please contact me.
Hiya dude:
I will try and get you a translation as soon as I get it from a friend of mine.
Big hug.
From dudette.
Hiya Dude:
As promised, here is the translation I obtained from a friend. The original passage is actually Brazilian but Portuguese just the same ...
" Hi, I found your blog through google and found it very interesting, I enjoyed this post.
If you have a chance, visit my blog it's about personalized t-shirts, and it shows step by step how to create one .."
Take care Dude.
Big hug.
From Dudette
Ola Dudette!
Thanks a whole bunch for helping me out! Brazilian, eh? Someone once sent me a "Power Point" file featuring their "dental floss" bikinis.
Hmmm ... I wonder if Rodrigo has a sister or something.
Great work.
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