A chrome beach ball? No, no. This is Fanny Mae - rather Fanny Mae sphere. Inside is a big spoon-shaped thingie and above that floats what looks like a lavender lotus flower. You can barely see it and if you look at it from certain angles the image might just disappear. That image of a lotus flower is Fanny Mae - as we see her on our plane of existence. And it's, like, really, really hot inside her sphere. Why? Because Fanny Mae is a star. No. Not like Brad Pitt. Like the stars we see in the sky at night. All of them are alive - all life forces. This image is based on the novel
Whipping Star by Frank Herbert (best known for his
Dune novels). I fell in love with the novel as soon as I read it - and re-read it! I've been wanting to draw Fanny Mae for a long time. Now, with the tools I have, I think I've done a fairly good job. Too bad Frank Herbert's not around to see it.
By the way, Fanny Mae falls in love with the secret agent that watches over her. Charming!
Len: Woah! Don't get me started on Dyson spheres! Did you know that the novel "Ringworld" was about a Dyson strip? Yep. It's true.
And you're not supposed to see inside, ya ape! Fanny Mae would die!(Sniff ... I love Fanny Mae).
I can see the Lavender lotus floating, not like some other person who can't! LOL!! Oooops! Did I say that out LOUD!!
Just kidding Len. HA!
I will however not disturb Fanny Mae. I'll let her rest in peace for her journey ahead.
Good day, eh!!
Hey Y'all!
Use your powers of ImAgInAtIoN!!!
There's an opening on the ball but it's completely invisible. Fanny Mae only lets certain people into her silver condo. All these stars call themselves Calebans. The Bad Guy (actually a woman) is killing Calebans in order to cause the complete destruction of the Universe. Muuhahaha!!! How does she do this? Ah! Gotta read the book. N'yah, n'yah!
NOW I get what you were saying! Since there is a "star" inside the sphere then that would make it a Dyson sphere! Yah, yah. I get it.
Only thing is, this is not the REAL Fanny Mae. It's only how she appears in our reality (i.e. a lotus flower). I forget which star she represents. Oh, well. Guess I'll just have to read the book again (yipee!). Only thing is, it's hardcover and hard to hold with a wrist that's had carpel tunnel syndrome twice (owwww!).
Anyway, glad that's all cleared up.
Ho-ho. Ha-ha. It is to laugh.
Look who the cynic is now!
Y'know, us starving artists got things to do, too, y'know. Check the fridge - oops, still no food. Take out the trash - oops, there is none. Wash the dishes - nnnnope.
It's the end of the month - what I call "Peanut Butter Sangwich Days". Alora, no dishes, no trash, no nothing. Not long after the 1st, I got trash and dishes up to my nose!
So don't get snippy with me, Flanders! Okally dokally? (LOL)
Plus, ya think making art is EASY? Ha, I say! Double HA!
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