Saturday, April 22, 2006

HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!! (I almost forgot.Thanks Tony)

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Anonymous said...


Very creative dude!

I really like this one. It's very serene looking.

Just like looking into a whole new different life. A different world. Sigh!

Again, you outdid urself. Good on ya!!


Luke Fallon said...


Thank you. You know, I just realized that this was my very first painting on a computer. It's when I had my Amiga 4000 (Commodore). I had a 1 meg "hardrive", only a few art programs but a lot of inspiration and determination. Now I've got this "PC-Info" computer with an 80 Gyg hardrive and all kinds of sound and graphics cards and software. Still, it crashes at least twice a week, freezes, etc.

I still have my Amiga 4000. In fact, I still use the old girl. I've had her for nearly 10 years and she's only crashed a few times. Last time I used the A4000 was to render the lightning in "Sorcerer's Tower". I have this software called ImageFX which does nothing but - you guessed it - special effects. I often use it for that and to do touch-ups.

Ask any hard-core graphic artist and he'll tell you that despite some of Amiga's limitations, it is still the best graphics platform.

Some time ago, I was suppossed to get "Amiga Forvever", software and one wire, to connect my Amiga to my PC. I would be able to access all the files and programs on the Amiga directly through my PC. Now, I have to save files to 3.5" disk and transfer files back & forth like that. Problem is, when you do that too often, you lose image quality and get lots of pixelation. Sometimes, poor lil' Amiga doesn't understand the more complex file types from the PC.

Sigh. I still dream of getting "Amiga Forever". It would make my work soooo much easier. Last time I checked it was going for $120. As it's not a "priority", I'll just have to go on dreaming.

I'm sending a shout out to Ike from "Downtown Amiga". He helped me & my Amiga when things were bad. Even though I was just a customer, he treated me like a friend. Once I was picking up my monitor. As soon as his boss left at 5 pm, he grabbed me by the arm and said, "Come, come!". And he spend an hour showing me all the new stuff he had on his Amiga. He said he wasn't trying to sell me anything, just that he was so excited about this new stuff & knew I would share his enthusiasm.

I just hope "Downtown Amiga" is still around ...