It took me a heck of a long time to get this one finished: the image was too dark, the mountains too crowded or the water had the wrong texture. But experimenting with the software finally lead me to this image. My heart told me that nothing more could be done, but my brain insists that one tiny element. Stoopid brain! Now, everytime I look at it I have to restrain myself from making any changes. So tempting ...
Let me be the first one to tell you that it's awesome. I am sure, if you make changes, it will be as awesome as the first one. The creativity in you is great!
Don't beat urself up too much on this. What you do and what we see is very much appreciated. I like coming in here and looking at your hard work.Way cool, dude.
So, be happy with what you've done. If I can see anything to make changes, I will advise you.
Take care.
One of our fellow classmates who does not Blog said that the creature just looks like a big worm and that I should add a crest of fins on its head, maybe one or two on its back.
I stared at the image for a good 20 minutes before I realized she was right. I included the creature in a kinda off-hand way without paying too much attention to details.
What do y'all think?
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